Avast and Windows 10 problem

After updating couple days ago to the latest avast version, now my Windows 10 is freezing pretty often, and I have to HARD turn it off (from the power button). This is really annoying. I have Avast free. Is there gonna be an update soon or to delete Avast for now?

Note: Before updating to the latest version I didn’t have problems.

What version of Avast do you have ? As I have no problems with my windows 10

10.3.2225 :slight_smile:

Lets go for a clean install then

Download Avast Uninstall Utility to your Desktop.
Download the correct version of Avast
Avast Free
Avast Pro
Avast Internet Security
Avast Premier
Disconnect from the net
Uninstall Avast via control panel

[]Run the uninstall tool and accept the reboot to safe mode
]Once complete reboot your system
[*]Reinstall Avast