Avast and Windows 10

I have changed my windows to version 10 and got problems with Firewall in Avast in my computer Ary-PC.
So i used the cleanup Avast (founded in this forum to uninstall and reinstall the last version picked also by this forum).
The result is that it break up my internet connection after the restart installation, and i can not imagine what is happening.
Any idea about how to procedure in this case?
Thanks… (i am now without Avast in my computer Ary-PC)

avast firewall problems are ususally solved with 1 or 2 reboots after install

if still problems try Right click on the start button > select Program and Features > select Avast > select repair

Yes. I too had this problem while upgrading to windows 10. But after 2 restarts firewall problem automatically resolved. I still use Aavast Firewall than windows firewall. works well.

Having Start button, search, and taskbar issues after installing windows 10. Tried all of the microsoft fixes, none worked. Uninstalled Avast and all the functionality is restored. One user profile has always been an administrator, but with Avast installed it was forced to Standard user and the administrator setting is grayed out. Uninstall of Avast and all the propertiEs in the user profile work again. Sad to see Avast go. If I reinstall AVAST the issues return.