Hello, I have been using Avast Free version for many years and have been truly happy with it. Tomorrow I will be upgrading my OS from Windows XP to Windows 7 and plan on continuing to use the Free Avast. My question: Are there any special procedures I must follow BEFORE installing it on Windows 7? i.e., registration, or any other steps? Or can I just download the free version as a completely new user. Thank you in advance for any information.
Or as a new user would work.
No special procedures, if upgrading I would probably uninstall Avast first then re-install a new copy of Avast once win7 is installed and all windows updates are completed, then register Avast through the UI.
It would pay to download the new Avast first and save to external HD or USB before upgrading so you don’t have to go searching for an AV on the net with no protection.
Thank you both for your response. Craigb, I like your suggestion of downloading to a USB or external HD. How do I do that? Download the exe file to my USB Flash Drive or external HD and then transfer it to my computer when Windows 7 is installed? Thanks again.
This tip might not be your cup of thing but I would “slipstream” all the windows updates and create a up to date Windows 7 DVD, which allows you to begin using Windows 7 immediately and safely.
Slipstream is when you create a Windows 7 installation DVD and “slipstream” or download ahead of time all current Windows updates. If you using the DVD or download link provided by Microsoft it will be a blank slate Windows 7 DVD, it may literally take a a whole working day to get it up to date a seemingly endless cycle of downloading, applying and restarting.
A Slipstreamed Windows 7 install like I said, will be ready from the get go.
FWIW It’s my opinion that RTSe7enLite (based on personal experience) is clunky, buggy & worst of all no longer supported/developed & abandoned well over two years ago :o
I suggest this to integrate updates into a clean SP1 ISO. (Google “Windows 7 with SP1 integrated ISO download”)It uses Win 7’s (and M$'s supported) native DISM.exe: http://www.sevenforums.com/installation-setup/282232-test-update-7-installation-media.html
Or use a tool that is currently being developed and supported like Wincert’s WinToolkit: http://www.wincert.net/forum/files/