avast and windows defender?

now that avast free has spyware protection, can avast and windows defender be run resident at the same time without trouble?

Yes they do and both have good protection and no need to disable Windows Defender :slight_smile:
no performance and detection conflict has reported.

Jepp det skall fungere fint, har aldri hørt om noe problemer der.
Eller så vill jeg anbefale disse to som ekstra scanner, og begge er nå med norsk tekst

http://filehippo.com/download_malwarebytes_anti_malware/ min favoritt, har enda ikke truffet på noe som den ikke klarer å fjerne


No conflicts with avast! but Defender itself can cause periodic system slowdowns, more noticeable with XP than Vista.

As a general rule, I leave it installed on Vista machines and remove it from XP. As pondus said, there are better alternatives, “med norsk tekst” even! ;D

I think that it is quite rude to not post in English in an English forum!

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware nor SUPERAntiSpyware check for HOSTS file modifications that some malware likes to modify but Windows Defender will notify you immediately if it has been altered.

Vladimyr, I have Windows Defender on all of my systems and they do not cause any problem so what do you notice on your XP systems?

i see, good :slight_smile:

norton disabled windows defender, i had to reformat my completely new computer because of norton.
i thought avast wasnt compatible with windows defender either.

is avast supposed to detect wildtangent? none of the security software i have used have detected it including avast, i have heard that wildtangent is spyware. i uninstalled the games that came bundled with wildtangent but wildtangent files is still left, i dont know if wildtangent is running though. i suspect something is going on since my harddrive is working alot some times.

malwarebytes is one of my favorites too.

Norton disables a lot and I don’t blame you for removing it.

WildTangent is mildly adware and is blocked by hpHosts HOSTS file:

Read about WildTangent

Users have complained that the company’s products have an adverse effect on their PC’s performance or are intrusive to the user’s experience.[1] The magazine PC World wrote in 2004 that although the program was “not very” evil, some privacy complaints were justified as the program’s user manual states that it may collect name, address, phone number, e-mail, and other contact information without the user’s consent and could distribute the collected information with the user’s consent. Concerns were also raised about the software’s self-updating feature. [2] Some popular antispyware programs detect the program during their scans, such as Spybot which classifies it as a potentially unwanted program.[3][4]

Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware then install it then update it then run a Quick scan and let it remove whatever it finds:

could I understand it well? ??? ::slight_smile:

Yup it should work fine, have never heard of any problems there.
Or so I would like to recommend these two that extra scanner, and both are now with the Norwegian techs
http://filehippo.com/download_malwarebytes_anti_malware/ My favorite, has not yet struck on something that it not be able to remove

My toshiba laptop come with about 10 pre-installed trial versions of WildTangent games that I remove them after every windows recovery

wildtangent came with my hp computer, what some junk. i hope avast will detect it at a later time. i also found this wich still is left and has no uninstaller as i can see C:\Program Files\EasyBits For Kids\Promo\ezKidsReady.exe it is just suspicious.

can wildtangent be added to the avast detections?

Yes it can. Did you submit the file to analysis?

" I think that it is quite rude to not post in English in an English forum! "

Sorry YoKenny, shame on me… :cry:

i found this C:\ProgramData\WildTangent wich contains two .exe files, one .ini file, and one .ico file. maybe something is hidden, i dont know.
how do i submit it?

Can you send the samples to virus@avast.com ?
You can zip and password the files… Inform a link to this thread and the password used.
Or you can send the files to Chest and, from there, resend to Alwil for analysis.

the files is in the chest now, should i just click “send email to alwil” without doing anything else?


the files is still in the folder even if in the chest also.


When you add a file to chest, the original is kept in the same place. You need to manually delete or remove it.
The file is removed if avast moves the file to chest.

the four files are now sent. can you report back if you get them? and what the results is?

Me? ??? No, you need avast team answer, not mine. I’m an user like you :wink:

i thought you were an administrator or something like that :slight_smile:

does anyone know how fast/when the files will be in avasts detections if found to be spyware?

Just ‘MsMpEng.exe’ sporadically grabbing large hunks of CPU time.