Have a strange problem here Avast 4 Pro is corrupting Windows media Player 9 way it displays on screen garbage everywhere, I have removed and reinstalled both programs, that does not fix it, can anyone help…
One Point I know its Avast, cause I removed it and install F-Sercure or PC Cillin 2004 and the corruption does not happen!!
but I hate these programs “kruddsoft”
Interesting. I’d need more info on this. Your OS? Machine vendor/type? Video card vendor/type? Driver version? Step-by-step instructions to reproduce the problem? Does the problem happen with any media or just specific audio/video’s?
Stuff like that…
We can’t do much unless we simulate the problem in our labs…
Does the video corruption occurs even when as much as possible of avast is disabled (i.e. when you stop the On-access protection from the blue tray icon)?
I mean, is it mere installing avast that’s causing the problem, or running avast?
The problem starts right when you install avast? Does the garbage appear every time you try to play some video, or only sometimes?
Yes all is working fine now, yes I did reisntall Windows XP I did not want to, I like avast and I like Windows Media Player 9.
it did fix the problem!!
and thanks again for your time, your software great and I like bartCD too
I would like one thing added to bartCD if possible is some harddrive imaging software (Powerquest Imagecenter) Image and support to SATA controllers would be great
so I don’t have to look for floppy disk all the time!!
ZombeKIL look here it says my G5 is faster than a Dual 2.8 Ghz Xeon
he he he ;D http://www.apple.com/powermac/performance/
time to lay on the bed and play on the powerbook till I get sleepy 8)
Mac are nice computer and they are faster and they were before
but faster I don’t think so!!
well faster for things like video editing, graphics, they have that
but as a server, database server I don’t think so!!
I will soon be going Intel Itanium’s anyway.