Im using Avast in my home pc (Vista Ultimate 64bit) and im very new to Avast Anti virus after i installed my Windows Security Center does not recognize antivirus and i searched for this problem and i read about this one topic in this forum and i followed but still not works…this shows i dont have any antivirus installed …
I followed this steps :
Go to control panel and open Administrative tools.
Click on services.
Stop these services:
Windows Security Center
Windows Managament Instrumentation
SBSD Security Center Service (if you use Spybot Search & Destroy).
Let all them to Automatically start.
Remove the directory C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository
Go to Services and Continue all the Services above or go to next step.
Not success and then i re-installed Avast again but still same thing.
I’ve tried the steps suggested in this posting, but still have the problem. I started on Vista Home Premium, 64 bits, on a core i7 quad processor. I then upgraded to Vista Ulimate. I’ve had the problem both before and after upgrading. Is there anything else to try besides deleting the wbem\repository after shutting down the services?