avast! and wmp 11 stream video via UDP

After recent avast! update I do not able to play stream video using wmp11 via UDP. Any guess-work why?


Is this all streaming video links or a specific URL ?

What port is the UDP stream using (port 80) ?

all links, port 554

Well avast doesn’t monitor port 554 only port 80 http traffic, so I don’t know what is going on.

I have two PCs (one vista sp1 and xp sp2) both worked well before avast! update. On XP PC avast! updated first and than wmp stoped work correct. I can’t understand what happened ??? until I updated avast! on vista :)) Now I have two PCs where wmp doesn’t work correct :frowning:

If you stop your avast providers one by one are you able to connect to the streaming video with WMP?

No, but i didn’t try to turn off self protection.

You don’t have to disable the self-defence if you are stopping the avast providers from the avast icon (right click menu, stop provider) or the on-access scanner screen (terminate).