Avast and Youtube

Since installing Avast I cannot run any youtube vids. The symptoms are - sometimes the vid comes up as separate frames along the bottom bar but does not run or just a message to say ‘an error has occurred’ - which isn’t very helpful. Is there some setting in Avast that I have missed to allow normal use of Youtube?

Thanks folks

Welcome to the forum,
Help us help you. What version of avast! ??? What other security programs did you have on your system before avast! and how where they removed ???
What Operating system are you using ??? Which browser ???
The more information we have the easier it will be to help you solve your problem.

Sorry… I have version 8 Avast. I was using Microsoft Essentials but fully uninstalled it before downloading Avast. I am using Win7 OS and Chrome browser.

Does not sound like an Avast issue at all. Is your Chrome up to date? What happens when you try IE?

See if the following fixes or at least improves your problem:

Might be somewhat difficult for the OP to view this given he can’t view youtube videos.

@ Peter,
Do you have the same problem using another browser, firefox or IE ?

  • You could try viewing Bob’s youtube link using one of those browsers.

Thanks guys - seems very odd. My Chrome and Flash are up to date and maybe I was blaming Avast when I shouldn’t!

However, I’m left with a non working youtube! Symptoms again are - go to youtube and pick any vid. Normal box comes up but with no arrow in the middle. Along the bottom ‘progress’ line on the left it shows ‘paused’. If I move my curser along the line I see individual frames of the vid but no sound. And that’s it! Any ideas anybody?

Not sure if your post is saying it works with other browsers or not - did you try other browsers as suggested and if so was the problem present ?

If not then it is most likely a chrome thing (what I can’t say as I don’t use chrome), so watching the youtube link Bob gave may help.

Chrome just had an update to address graphically issues and crashes. Current version is 27.0.1453.94. Try Internet Explorer and get back to us.

Try emptying Google Chrome cache by clicking the 3 bar icon on the top right >history>clear browsing data.

from the popup, set Obliterate the following items from “the beginning of time” then click clear browsing data.

make sure that there no other tabs except the settings tab.

Simply install Ccleaner and let it do it’s job with the default settings. :slight_smile:

ccleaner does not delete history associated with bookmarks.

Why yes it does. When is the last time you used CCleaner?

Bookmarks aren’t history, but something that you save because you may want to visit it again.

So the History is related to your Internet Browsing history, this is unrelated to bookmarks, so it doesn’t delete bookmarks but it does clear your internet browser history.

This is also something that you can set your browser to do when you shut it down anyway.