Well Avast tells me its incompatible with Zone Alarm and its working on it…
It asked me to switch of some Web protection (In Avast) and rebooted.
I unistalled Zone Alarm because of the conflict, but has Avast gone back to its previous setting or has it left the web unprotected?
And when will you resolve the issue? Is there a setting that will work amicably side by side?
I am sorry but I believe you have misunderstood the messages you are seeing. What you are being asked is to enusre that your settings avoid incompatibility between avast and ZoneAlarm.
No, Zone Alarm=0 isn’t the correct entity name or value if you are using ZA Pro. Please confirm exactly what version of Zone Alarm you are using ?
Zone Alarm - avast! Web Shield compatibility dialogue - Install/Update Question - YES or NO
If you are using ZoneAlarm Free you should have answered NO
If you are using ZoneAlarm PRO you should have answered YES
If you are using ZoneAlarm Free you should set the ZoneAlarmCompatibility=0
If you are using ZoneAlarm PRO you should set the ZoneAlarmCompatibility=1
If you are using ZoneAlarm Pro (with avast4.ini setting, ZoneAlarmCompatibility=1 or answered YES) you will have to manually configure your browser to use the avast proxy, watch instructional video.