Avast and ZoneAlarm

I installed avast for home today. Now ZoneAlarm can’t open and asks me to restart my computer. But that doesn’t help. Any chance avast could be interfering with ZoneAlarm?

Hi bsumner

i have avast home and zonealarm pro. both are working fine for me.

also u need to give ur system details to solve ur problem

wait a little while, help is on the way.

Alwil team is always there for you. :slight_smile:

I dont speak English. I understand and speak only Polish.

I have zone alarm pro 4.5 shareware and avast home. And all work fine (until now… :slight_smile: ). Certainly I have to do download zone alram 3.5 full…

I have both working fine. First I installed ZoneAlarm and then avast!
What are your versions for both programs?
The last build for avast is 4.1.319 and for ZoneAlarm Free 4.5.538.000

Anyway, the answer for your question is maybe avast interferes in ZoneAlarm and viceversa.

I’m French and I have ZoneAlarm free edition v 4.5.538 and avast! 4

I haven’t encountered any problem : all works fine.

Maybe, ZoneAlarm is not configured well.

I have the combination avast - zonealarm running on two pc’s without any problems.


I forgot to post before: avast! and ZoneAlarm free works fine in Windows 98 either ;D