Did this ever get updated? Or was it simply integrated into avast! Home 4.x? I tried using the standalone anti-rootkit scanner, and I got some weird results, stuff that Home 4.8 doesn’t pick up.
I have a feeling that something screwy is going on with my registry, so I am hoping that I can fix it with avast!, but if I can’t figure it out soon I’m going to do a fresh install of Windows (XP). Anybody have any advice?
this version of the standalone antirootkittool is just a beta and i think the antirootkit integrated in avast AV is a little bit different…
there already is a version 0.9.7 and still a beta - so i would recommend not to use it to repair anything in your registry until it is finished!
the standalone is probably still in development ???
Well, that’s disappointing. I’m guessing there are more than a few false positives, or maybe I have some disk errors I need to deal with, but the standalone scanner is picking up a ton of “rootkits” that the main avast! software isn’t catching.
Do you (or anybody else) know of any good anti-rootkit scanners that are regularly supported?