Avast Anti-Theft device listed as unprotected


I reset an old Android device, ran all the scans, and set up anti-theft, but no matter what I try to do it’s still listed on my.avast.com’s anti-theft page as unprotected. I suspect this may be due to the fact that I already have two devices set up on anti-theft, making this device my third. Any ideas?



Could you please open Avast Mobile Security on your mobile device > open Menu > “Settings” > “Protection” and make sure you have all the shields enabled.
In addition, remove “DELETE FROM ACCOUNT” and re-add the device in my.avast.com

Hi, thanks for replying. . .

I went into settings and activated internal storage scanning. Everything else was turned on. Then, I went to my.avast.com and deleted the device from my account. I tried adding it from the web but had some difficulty. It only sent me to the Google Play Store where I opened the app and turned everything back on, though the device wasn’t showing on my.avast.com. Ultimately, I uninstalled and reinstalled it. I then turned on Anti-Theft and noticed I had to turn on the setting for Web Shield with Accessibility and also Internal Storage Scanning, but when I checked my.avast.com, it still said the device was unprotected.


Hi, if you have turned on all the shields in the phone app as you have mentioned, then you are protected. The fact that it does not show as protected in the web portal is an issue that we plan to fix in the new portal.