Avast anti theft - gps tracking

I have installed free version of avast anti theft. How to turn on gps tracking to be able to see where my phone was all the time?
I want to leave it in a car so I will secure my car.

I turned tracking online but nothing happened.



Seem less helpfull.

Posted ‘guide’ is about old program version.
To be able to check actual settings the menu might be a bit different.

I was able to turn on the tracking function by myself. First day after registery, the function was blocked or something. Today I did the same as yesterday and the function was able to run.

Guess it needs some time to fully register or there is tome kind of currention time ;d


It works. Regards

Ok… now i get it…
Tracking seem not to work if you have installed anti-theft protection only. To be able to run tracking u need full mobile security…

I think that cause the tracker ‘died’ after removing mobile protection module. Anti theft was online and so the tracking.

It just stopped to respond after removing so…

Guess this is the main problem.
Pretty dumb ;d

Like I said earlier… with uninstalled mobile security but anti theft on… on web accout I was able to turn off trackinb but was not able to turn it on. I tough that works only with mobile security but…
On the web browser installed on phone I was able to turn it on again :smiley: it does not acctually work but all buttons and statuses shows that tracking is on and I can turn it of.

I used to work as a device tester and I free the same again.

Avast… sth is wrong when you release software with bugs like this.

I do not understand your questions; you did not manage how to trigger a locate service?

No,… I have rather found a bug :stuck_out_tongue:
But It is hard to say if its related with a browser and some flash player preferences or something else ;d

Which bug do you mean? Could you please specify?