Avast anti Theft stop working if device is reset?


I was stolen the Android tablet …

If the device is reset the app “Avast anti theft” stops working?

Thanks for the attention

It depends on how the device was reset and if there is/was anti-theft rooted installed or not.

reset via hardware pressing reset button


My answer still stands.

My question still stands.

If my device “majestic TAB 486K HD 3G” is hard reset app “Avast anti theft” still work?

yes or no

Thanks for attention


I already answered your question.
It depends on multiple things.


No app provides protection from a hard reset

And you can also change the IMEI number

I consider that my android phone stolen is gone forever

Please Eddy can you tell us what are exatly this “multiple things” you are talking about?



https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB116#artTitle (Lost/Stolen phone)