I get this warning message from a small icone at the bottom right of pc screen (if i click on it)
Avast anti-virus 4.8.1229 VPS 081121-0 is on but is reporting it’s status to Windows Security Center in a format that is no longer supported. (Vista here)
I got this thing now. It’s an Avast Icon alright but with a “Windows” look a like icon (smaller at the bottom right) with it on my Program list (you know the most used if you click on the windows button on the bottom left ?)
If i try to launch it, i get the warning from Vista that “A program needs your permission to continue” So i didn’t proceed.
It’s from ALWIL
I wonder if it’s “the real thing” and that i’m not getting “scr*wed” ?
Am i being paranoid ?
Oh yeah, i did update the software and still get the warning that it’s in a format that it’s no longer supported . Well i hope i did it with the RIGHT software cause it’s the same. If it’s a scam, man this is one IS DAMN GOOD !
Right now i see that Avast is scanning (resident protection).
I downloaded the right software (yours) from the right place. Just checked and everything’s fine.
As for the Adobe thing, this is ok too
I also scanned my PC with 3 other safe program to make sure and everything’s fine also.
Right now, the windows security alerts still show the malware protection bar in yellow with the same warning message.
That’s it is ON but it’s in a format that is no longer supported.
Damn, it is still showing the warning message. I updated Vista (in case it wasn’t doing the auto update) and i also manually updated the virus database of Avast and updated the software too. Rebooted and it looked like it was ok, then, bang, the yellow warning icon “Windows security alerts” at the bottom right of the screen appeared arghhhh.
It is the same message showing up:
Avast anti-virus 4.8.1229 VPS 081121-0 is on but is reporting it’s status to Windows Security Center in a format that is no longer supported.
Open an elevated Command Prompt window. To do so, click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
Type the following command:
winmgmt /salvagerepository
The above command Performs a consistency check on the WMI repository, and if an inconsistency is detected, rebuilds the repository. The content of the inconsistent repository is merged into the rebuilt repository, if it can be read.
WMI repository salvage failed
Error code: 0x8007041b
Facility: Win32
Description: A stop control has been sent to a service that other running services are dependant on.
I then got:
The security center service is “OFF” (bottom right of the screen)
I then turned it “ON” and everything went to back to where it was. Still with malware protection message bug.