Avast Anti-Virus Bizarre Error Message Related to The Sandboxie Program

Hello all. I’m new to the Avast! Forum and need help with a problem that I am having.

I use the Sandboxie program from Sandboxie.com, and usually if I’m running my browswer without Sandboxie for something like playing an internet radio station, either during or after I’m through using the unsandboxed browser, when trying to launch a sandboxed broswer, I get this bizarre Sandboxie error message, which also includes an iexplorer.exe message that is saying that they are able to find or locate my Avast program. ???

And here is a screen shot of that error message:


Can anyone explain to me what that means and why it is happening?

Also, I wanted to mention that my RAM is low because of multiple BSOD memory dumps…and I do have plans on adding more memory to my computer, therefore, perhaps this problem is a result of having low memory.

Any feedback on this would be appreciated.

Are you using the sandbox feature of Avast? I doubt two sandbox applications can be used at once.

Under Additional Protection in the main GUI click on sandbox and see if any processes are currently being run in the sandbox. You may also wish to disable the auto-sandbox feature to see if this helps. Click on AutoSandbox then click on settings. Remove the checkbox beside “Enable AutoSandbox”

Let us know if this solves the issue and we can go from there.

Hello RCGuy, I see you finally found a way onto our forum! :slight_smile:
I read Wilders forum and I knew it would happen one day.

Unfortunately, this is sandboxie bug – I did simulate it at my computer, debug it and it’s not our fault. I don’t really remember why this happens, I forgot it so I will not speculate.

Did you report it to Sandboxie team? What did they say? Do you remember?

Actually, I was unknowingly using the sandbox feature of Avast. They have it set on default to have suspicious programs run in their sandbox the moment those program are excecuted. Therefore,the sanbox must have always been running in a limited way so that it could check out suspicious files.

But it’s off now and I will let you know if it corrected the problem that I was having. Thanks.

Hello, pk. And yes, I finally found my way onto your forum. lol ;D