hi everyone, I have recently downloaded avast and everything works except for the anti-virus scanner. Everytime I try to scan my comp, it always encounters a problem and the scanner has to be shut down.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem? thanks.
Prior to Avast what AV program were you using and how did you remove it??
Hi I’m having that same problem today. It’s been working fine from day 1. I’ve had Avast for almost 2 months with no problems till now. Any comments?
you could try an Avast repair.
Start/Control Panel/Add Remove Programs/Select Avast(Change/Remove) Scroll down to Repair. Run Repair/Reboot
You need to be online to do this
Possible related:
I just started having the same (or a similar) problem.
Performing a “thorough” scan on all (2) Hard drives, I got the “encountered an error and needs to close” message.
The log viewer shows error messages for all three events: "Scan of “C:" area failed with 0000A413 error (function avfilesScanReal failed)”
[x2], and 1 for the same error but on the D drive.
Between the first two errors (during the same scan) and the last one I repaired Avast and restarted the PC.
Any thoughts?
I’ve experienced the same problem before some registry key for avast! scanner had been corrupted by virus. What had I do just repaired it. If you can’t repair it you need to uninstall then re-install and don’t interupt the boot scan. Download HijackThis, install and scan then check for the corrupted registry key HERE.
Already run HJT, no problems/nothing different showing up.
Just run a “quick” virus scan with Avast, all OK/Normal.
Will run a thorough scan again shortly to re-test it.
Could it be something to do with the current VPS package, since 3 users are experiencing this?
i have the same problem “virusscaner encountered an error and needs to close” since today
on bootscan avast say this:
07/25/2007 06:50
Scan aller lokalen Laufwerke
Anzahl durchsuchter Ordner: 4416
Anzahl der geprüften Dateien: 64332
Anzahl infizierter Dateien: 0
07/25/2007 07:29
Scan aller lokalen Laufwerke
Datei C:\WINDOWS\inf\MDMJF56E.INF Fehler 42003 {Interner Programmfehler.}
Datei C:\WINDOWS\inf\mdmlucnt.inf Fehler 42003 {Interner Programmfehler.}
Datei C:\WINDOWS\inf\msmusb.inf Fehler 42003 {Interner Programmfehler.}
Datei C:\WINDOWS\Installer\1145be3.msi Fehler 42003 {Interner Programmfehler.}
Datei C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorcfg.msc Fehler 42003 {Interner Programmfehler.}
Anzahl durchsuchter Ordner: 4415
Anzahl der geprüften Dateien: 64364
Anzahl infizierter Dateien: 0
Can you please send the respective files to my email address?
Vlk, which particular files would you like?
I had the same problems today.
The screen saver scan failed with the option to send data to Microsoft. I performed a Repair setup and ran a full scan with the same result
The problem should be solved with the latest VPS update (000760-1).
Can you guys please confirm?
roger that, no errors… works fine
big thx avast team :>
Just auto-updated ~an hour ago, ran full scan (thorough), and no problems.
Very cool.
Vlk, sent you an error log file, you can probably disregard it, now.
Well, yeah, it was a bug in the VPS. As you might’ve noticed - the VPS update to 0760-0 was almost 300KB while almost no new detections were added; that’s because the VPS contained changes to the detection engine. And part of the changes was this bug, which is now fixed in 0760-1.