avast! antivirus 5.0

I know there is a sticky thread above like this, but it has become too long so I will post what I want in the next version of avast!

*More professional looking Skin. Thw whole stereo thing is hard to navigate and is just plain dull. Options like Scan, Update, Options and so on instead of play, local disc, iavs and such which some users won’t quite understand.
*Less memory usage and quicker scanning speeds for Windows NT,2K,XP.
*A list of infections found instead of the popups that scare the crap out of you
*Ability to add files to chest for protection such as important pictures and documents and system files.
*Ability to edit VRDB.
*Less complicated terms for newbie users, instead of complicated names like Win32.Trojan-Gen, a simple name like Generic Trojan. Or Downloader.Zlob.cs, would be Zlob Trojan Variant CS.

What do you guys think? Like these? Hate these?

There is already a thread for Avast 5 discussion…you can continue there.


In that thread you will see that vlk said “the GUI will be totally changed”.

“Ability to edit VRDB”…why do you want to do that?

That topic has become bloated. I would want to edit the VRDB so I could choose what files to back up.

I wish I had some early screens of AAV5

There will be no skins in version 5.0 but a revised GUI. Whilst there is still skins, you should check out the many others available, they certainly aren’t “the whole stereo thing”

Personally I see no difference between generic trojan than win32.trojan-gen, it is all just as meaningless to your average user. By having a name that is less complicated as you say would mean less meaningful information returned on a search for instance.

The VRDB isn’t a back-up feature it doesn’t back-up anything, it compiles a database of information to help restore (executable) files to a pre infected state, it doesn’t back-up in the normal understanding of back-up, e.g. copy files, that would take up far too much space.

It’s addressed to version 5 (not skinable).

Common desire ::slight_smile:

Available in Professional version.

Already there for home and pro versions.

No need for there… probably it will be dropped as it’s an old technology.

tech when you say VRDB is old what could they possibly do that could take its place I thought that was needed to return files to their original states ???

So, just beacause a thread is getting bloated, we all can open new ones? And get millions threads about same things? Me, personally, like to have all discussions about X in a thread about X, and Y in Y…but that’s me :wink:

Yes…screens for v5 would be nice to have :slight_smile:

How can I get the listed infections in avast! pro edition 4.8?

On Virus page of settings you can set the automated actions.
See picture here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=13315.msg112285#msg112285.