Avast Antivirus 6 Free Skins?

skins are not a problem for me its just alook its actually what avast does i like :wink:

RedBlade8, would you be the same one that posted on my soundpack tutorial? (same name, but no 8, different email but same posting styleā€¦)

I like the 5 and 6 version of avast UI. Black and orange is a good match. Itā€™s easy on the eye.
Really, the media player wannabe version of Avast is what my friends always says everytime I mention of how Avast better then their bloated AVG.

Thatā€™s rightā€¦ Unless youā€™re really boring and having all the time in the world to open Avast UI and staring it for hours ;D

I find the bright orange a strain my eyes. Itā€™s too bright. So, that is why I wanted to change it :wink:

Normally you donā€™t even see the GUI during everyday PC-usageā€¦

Letā€™s seeā€¦delete bright orange icon on desktopā€¦anywhere I see itā€¦make sure avast doesnā€™t come up with that it is updatedā€¦never scan my computerā€¦and see to it that avast doesnā€™t come up with that a virus has been foundā€¦

Then, I will never be able to see the gaudy bright orange interface through normal use !!!

Mwahahaha!! :wink: ;D ;D

You make sense. +1 to you ^^.
I do want the new avast sandboxā€¦and many other new features/etcā€¦
And I really do prefer what it does over looksā€¦

I just donā€™t like the interface. So much so, I wonā€™t upgrade. Which has me hitting my head against the wall.
ā€¦BUTā€¦I really just donā€™t like the new interface/look. The interface looks like all the other anti-virusā€™s out there. Itā€™s looks so genericā€¦unlike how avastā€™s old interface actually stood out. It also reminds me of a couple virusā€™s iā€™ve gotten in the past that pretend to be antivirusā€™s when they are not. Take XP Home Security 2011 for instanceā€¦

ā€¦It could of beenā€¦
Is this the one you are speaking about?
EDIT: Thatā€™s not the oneā€¦digging deeper into postsā€¦
NVM, searched for it on the avast siteā€¦
This?: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=74517.0

Do you mean your wordpress site?
Haha, yes, that was me, I like to customize things ā€¦soā€¦when I found out that I could create a custom soundpack for avast, I was surprised, and thankful for your wonderful work on that tutorial ^^. Thanks for making it. ;):slight_smile:

Different person, different eyes, different perspectiveā€¦ OK! I got youā€¦ :slight_smile:

I didnā€™t show my desktop icons in my machine so, no icons here. Well, if you think Avast UI colour theme is too flashy then, try to compare it with another antivirusā€¦

After testing a big 5 Free antivirus (Avast, Avira, AVG, MSE, Panda), thereā€™s only 3 antivirus with nice or passable UI. Avast, AVG, and MSE. Since AVG is a resource monster and MSE a bit heavier than Avastā€¦ So itā€™s Avast for me.

Haha, yes, you are right. 8) ā€¦I hope iā€™m not getting repetitious nowā€¦nn.

Hmm. I found MSE to be more resource heavy than AVG. However, last time I used AVG on an xp computer ( to compare with my mse experience, ) was a long while agoā€¦ But the using MSE was recent, and it slowed the xp computer I was using to almost non-useable-ness.

I also donā€™t like the way that the newest AVG is set up.
When I tried to install it, it complains that I have Avast installed :
THEN, I had to uninstall Avast, install AVG, and then re-install Avast and it works fine.

However, I got an odd downloading bug in which I couldnā€™t download or open anything.
The issue ( after searching around for a bit trying to find a solution, ) was AVG . I uninstalled AVG, and then I could download everything again.
ā€¦this is what I posted at firefox supportā€¦

That is a classic case of conflict and why you shouldnā€™t install two resident AVs on your system.

As David said, classicalā€¦

I am also on the list who hate avast! Interface.

But i just love the look of avast forum, may be version 7 will be something difference.

Good Luck for avast 7 hope it comes soon as beta


Yes, that one. I donā€™t get many comments so I tend to investigate them before approving them. Youā€™re welcome :wink:

As David said, classicalā€¦

Welll, I had them both installed before [last year]ā€¦and it worked alright.
But yes, haha, I really shouldnā€™t be doing that. But, I decided to go ahead with it anyways even though I knew that it could cause conflicts/failures in windowsā€¦

But i just love the look of avast forum, may be version 7 will be something difference.

The forum is nice , yes ^^
Hmm. Iā€™m not too sure I can count on 7 having something graphical thatā€™ll interest me, but, weā€™ll see ^^

Youā€™re welcome :wink:

-spg SCOTT

No problem =P

Here is one of my ideas for a theme that i would call avast leafy theme. looks sort of good huh? but the buttons would look better if they was gray in this picture.

Note: This is an old idea picture i made a long time ago


I like it Coolmario88cp :slight_smile:

Leafyā€¦yesā€¦very ā€œleafyā€ indeed. ;D

Somehow I donā€™t see that being an official skin though, even if skins where implemented. :wink:

Agree with this hommie here, totally plus the current looks great so why skin it!

I donā€™t think the current skin needs changing either.

Sorry Coolmario88cp , but I think the skin example just emphasizes the point about mixing skins/effects, when you mix other skins/colours/effects it just doesnā€™t look right as the remainder of the avast corporate colour scheme still remain and clash. So it would have to be full skinning or nothing in my view and I rather doubt avast are going to go down that road again.

Perhaps this has more to do with the particular leaf ;D

Agree. ;D 8)

Only good skin is no skin, and, for me, that includes the current one. Native UI look for teh winā€¦

What would that look like I wonder? ;D I want to see. ^^

The ā€˜leafy themeā€™ that Mario thought of looks very nice to me. =3

I would like it if the UI could look that way. :wink:

Try green or rose tinted glasses ;D