in few hours, avast! Antivirus Mac Edition will be made available for betatesters.
If You:
have Intel or PowerPC based Mac
have Mac OS X 10.x installed
are skilled enough to report eventual issues in exact and reproducible way
are willing to help us with betatesting
… then write to to get additional info. Your help will be very appreciated.
Pavel Cimbal
=== Please, note that this version is NOT intended for final use or spreading, it’s intended for testing purposes. So if You are just curious how avast! for Mac looks like or you are eager to have avast! installed on Your Mac this is not the right moment for You yet - the official release will follow very soon.
Hi there! Which AV do you personally run with OS X, if any?
And wouldn’t you simply go online while in OS X if you were running a Mac with Windows on it as well? Couldn’t you run them on different partitions or something? If the answer is no for Parallels what about Bootcamp?
I guess what I want to know is if you put Windows on a Mac could you avoid all the Windows security software if you only went online while in OS X? Probably not, right? Due to updates alone Windows would need to connect to the net.
Do you need a separate AV, FW, AS, AT, HIPS,… on the Mac for Windows & then an AV for OS X?
Maybe it would be better to keep Windows off!
Re purchasing pre Leopard-- it would be preferable to wait until it’s out & on the box & I understand major Apple software will be upgraded at the same time. Do we know yet a release date? When is Spring?!! Did Steve Jobs mention it today?
I saw that iPhone on television tonight & I sort of forgot it was a phone while watching! Wow! Four or five devices in one & it’s really attractive.
its best to leave windows alone but for some they NEED windows and that is what bootcamp is for. No we dont have a release date, Apple said spring for Tigers release and it came in April
Aw, see what happens when your looking the other way! I have shot off an e-mail but I suppose I’m too late.
I have used Avast! for many years and now that I have moved over to Mac I feel that I have come to trust Avast! to do the right thing by my PC and I would like to continue this relationship on my Mac. ;D
Avast for Mac will be out when its ready. I have the beta and its looking good, its even a Universal Binary so it runs on PowerPC and Intel Just give the Avast team time to polish it up