avast! app won't recognize password - Windows 8


I have a fairly large problem with avast! I am using Windows 8 with avast! Free Antivirus right now. The problem is that avast! won’t recognize my password even though I am entering it correctly. I have tried many times and it doesn’t want to allow me to get access to the settings. The funny thing is, though, that I can get access to www.avast.com with the same account details. The reason I need access to the settings of avast! is, that I need to write down my license in the programme - I just can’t. And I really want to get use of my newly bought license.

Best regards,

I would recommend running the Avast Uninstall Utiltity, follow the instructions, and then download and install a fresh copy of Avast.



I can’t use that uninstall Tool, because when I do that, avast! won’t let me uninstall itself, because I have set a password to protect the programme. There are no ‘Forgot password’ button I can press, so right now I don’t know what to do. Have you got any new ideas? Thx

If you forgot your password you need to clean install…

You will NOT be able to do #2 since you don’t have the password so go to #3 after you do #1.

I’d recommend a clean install:

  1. Download Avastclear, Rejzors uninstall tool and the appropriate Avast program edition

Note: You need to be ONLINE during this install (online installer works in all cases whereas offline sometimes doesn’t)


Avastclear : http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avastclear.exe
Rejzors Uninstall tool: http://rejzor.wordpress.com/avast-cleanup-tool/

  1. Uninstall Avast by control panel [If you don’t have Avast in control Panel go to #4]
  2. Uninstall in safe mode using Avastclear.
  3. Run Rejzors Uninstall Utility in Normal Mode (removes traces avastclear doesn’t) - reboot.
    Check : Once uninstalled check in device manager>view>show hidden devices if there is anything related to avast with a yellow triangle… if so, uninstall it and reboot.
  4. Install the version you downloaded.
  5. Reboot.