If you ever wanted to block the numerous ads that are found on websites (including google ads), here’s a tip to do it.
Go to avast! On Access Scanner > Web Shield > Customize > URL Blocking > Check Enable URL Blocking >
and add the following individually:
I let firefox and the AdBlock Plus extension take care of any Ads and very good it is to , I don’t have to maintain.
There must be absolutely hundreds more, these are just a very very smal cut and paste from AdBlockPlus, so I feel trying to use avast as an ad blocker is very labour intensive to keep it up to date.
Thats true, but I find that those listed above, mine & yours, block the most common ads and those linking styles are unlikely to change for a while. Those could be a set and forget. Also, avast! would be good for those who use another avast! compatible web browser that does not have extensions.
One problem people may have with adblockers is if they use an ad agency on their own website. They would have trouble accessing their publisher account on the agency’s website. I tried to solve that in my list by just blocking the ad linking but not the ad agency’s website.
As a sidenote, I find that blocking the javascript components of the ads is the best way, in terms of webpage interface and design, to disable the ads.
There’s a lot of entries you will need to add one by one manually, as there is no import from .txt file function. I think avast is not the best program to use as adblocker, as it is not intended to do it. The best solution - to find another solution.