avast! as second antivirus?

Strange indeed is the way of PC World indexed avast! as a second antivirus of Norton and McAfee… >:(

Ok for ‘Top Antivirus Tools’
Shame on ‘Add a Layer of Protection To Norton, McAfee’
Shame on ‘Looking for additional assurance that your PC is virus-free? Get a second opinion with these programs.’

Avast is, itselft, the protection not the others >:(

See the history here.

I probably saw that same article (I get their downloads newsletter, which typically includes a couple of links to “news” items as well).

And I agree with what I think they mean by the “second opinion”, although they sure did word that one badly. Going way, WAY back to our first office computer, an XT, I was taught back then to always run scans from another OS, in case your own was infected, and it was preferable to also do another scan afterwards with a different scanner.

Years later, one of my excellent local shops taught me a new one – they recommended always running any scan at least twice, back to back, because sometimes it would catch something on the second pass that it missed the first time.

But I’ll definitely second the motion for avast as the first-choice scanner. I first got it (32, then) maybe a year and a half ago, on the recommendation of friends from one of my support groups. Aside from the advantage of being freeware, they said that on quite a few occasions it had caught things for them that had slipped past Norton.

The short review from PC World Magazine is here. :wink:

Even mention a minimal part of avast! features :-\

They made a mistake.
ThunderBYTE was purchased by Norman Data Defense and discontinued. I have used it in the past though

but we have 5 cows from tucows ;D

I’m lost on this one! What the heck are we talking about?


I’m sure I’m not off-topic…
Just complining the avast! description as a ‘second’ antivirus option for Norton and McAfee…


I was defending Avast!
it received a five cow rating from the tucows site for antvirus software…made me damn proud ;D

me too cojo