Avast Auto Update

I understand that Avast checks every 4 hours to see if there is an update…Is there a way to change that to say every hour in the program? I see Avast doesn’t use Windows scheduled tasks to do it like Norton does? Thanks.

see bottom of this page:


Just done this myself, I set UpdatePeriod to 60mins (in avast4.ini):

[InetWD] ;leave this alone
UpdatePeriod=60 ;<<<<< add here
UseRAS=1 ;leave this alone
AssumeAlwaysConnected=0 ;leave this alone

may need to reboot to take effect?

Thanks…I had to add the UpdatePeriod thou.


Just to add a bit of clarification here. Avast checks as soon as it starts for an update. If it does not see one available because you are up to date, it will check again in 4 hours.

Should it not get a server connection immediately, then it will retry until it does.

You can set it to search every hour if you wish, but I doubt if we will be putting out hourly updates. ;D

I would recommend that you change the VRDB generation time instead. It makes more sense to “fingerprint” the system settings more often in case of virus infection. This setting is also in the .ini file.

Thanks for using Avast

Dear uffbros and others,

we took a long discussion aboout the period of autoupdate checks - it’s great feature isn’t it? And we decide to set it to 4 hours after the first check - login to PC, connection to Internet. The first check is random, subsequent are distributed for connected computers in the term of 4 hours and during these 4 hours our update server should serve nearly one half of users and push data to them in about 30 Mbits per second. :o

And now imagine what happens when most of the users will decide to short this period to 1 hour, 10 minutes etc. No one will update at all… :cry:

If you know these information, do you count your trick as a fair one? ???

I should express that in future builds of avast! the lowest available value for update check period will be 4 hours regardless of the value in the .ini file … :stuck_out_tongue:

But you can anytime click on the manual update, we believe that it won’t be the normal way of live for the most of avast! 4 Home users. ;D

If you realy need the faster and nonrandom update you can purchase avast! 4 Professional with its great “Push Update” feature - you’ll receive your update in minutes…

regards Eduard
I should

I agree with you on this eda.

Checking for a possible update every one hour is realy not necassary.

Just like eda said, if we all set our avast settings to check every hour… it would probably slow things down and make it harder for each of us to check for updates… especialy if one update DOES become available and were all downloading around the same time frame.

I myself know how to edit the avast4.ini file but choose not to based on my selfless thinking. 8) ;D Like eda said…buy the pro version! ;D

I personaly do not belive this is a fair, yet “FREE” trick being provided here on the forums. ??? But that’s not up to me to decide what’s fair! :wink:

If you prefer checking more often…try just to do a manal update check… muzzling the server won’t help any of us. :frowning:

Oh well, just my 2 cents.

Regards! ;D

Steele Wolf