I was wondering if somewhere down the line Avast automatic update could be set to wait 60 seconds or so before it attempts to update…As it is now Avast attempts to update right at boot time…And it absolutely flattens every other function on my PC and laptop when it does…Delaying the update would make it seem like the PC is booting faster…making it usable more quickly after boot…I know all about manual updating and that’s all well and good…But i don’t think it’s unreasonable to make automatic updating less hostile to PC user by delaying it’s initiation until most other processes are loaded…I know it would stop me from saying “Damn it!” a couple of times a day.
Otherwise i am well pleased with Avast…If i weren’t pleased with Avast i would have just quietly chosen something else next time…and not have mentioned this problem here.
You might want to delay it more than 60 seconds as I believe the current default is 30 seconds.
You need to edit (using notepad) the avast5.ini file, the [InetWD] section of C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast5\avast5.ini (XP file location). Location for Vista, win7, C:\ProgramData\Alwil Software\Avast5\avast5.ini.
If you did a clean install of avast6 the folder names are slightly different, \Avast Software\Avast\ instead of \Alwil Software\Avast5\ other than that it is the same procedure.
Broadband connections, add this line: AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds=120 and AssumeAlwaysConnected=1 if not present (or edit AssumeAlwaysConnected=0 to AssumeAlwaysConnected=1)
Thanks for the explanation…But i really think this should be a normal function of Avast to wait longer…Or at least the change should be straightforward and easy so that anyone could change the default in the settings…Not everyone feels comfortable digging around in the guts of their antivirus program…But thanks again DavidR for showing me a way i can do it…I may attempted it later on today.
The problem is that every program and their dog wants to update or run on boot. Only those essential applications (primarily operating system and security) really need to run, that would help overall.
However, I do agree that a slightly longer default would help those whose systems that have limited resources. Thankfully there is a workaround in the .ini file function.
My father has been having the same problem with his laptop since version 5. Several of my friends also reported this. All of them use wireless connections to the Internet and apparently it is not related to a specific OS or setup. The common factors seem to be wireless connections and PCs older than three years.
i really think this should be a normal function of Avast to wait longer...Or at least the change should be straightforward and easy so that anyone could change the default in the settings...
I do agree with you. I hope that developers could look in this in the future and perhaps make Avast! wait longer than the current default value or simply add a “friendly” option to adjust the value in the General Settings.
You only have to disable the self-defence module if you didn’t use ‘Notepad’ as in the instructions. It is the only text editor allowed (with confirmation) without having to disable the self-defence module, otherwise you have to disable it.
What you can do is open Avast, and click on Settings. Now go to Troubleshooting. Check the box that says something like, “Delay Avast Start Up Services Until Other Settings Have Loaded.” This works for me! Critics say that it only slows load time down by a couple of seconds. However, give it a try. I have had mine that way for about two years.
PS. Maybe the team could also help if you could provide a screen shot of your start up services. Now, I was trained how to use MSCONFIG to remove unnecessary start-up items, BUT you should not do that without experience. There is an easier way to get to start-up services, but I can’t remember what it is. Off hand, what other security software do you have on your computer, or did you once have on your computer? The team can help you reduce unneeded start-up items on your system to make Avast update better, and without freezing.
Oh what is your operating system? (XP? Vista? Windows 7) How much RAM is installed? (If known.)
Since I don’t work for avast! I can’t make predictions.
Only educated guesses (as Asyn suggests), so here it is; the avastUI has a limited amount of real estate so only issues which are more serious would have a higher priority for inclusion.
Since this issue clearly isn’t one which effects all avast users (or there would be multitudes of topics on it) then it would have higher priority. If it it did effect lots of avast users the easiest option would be to extend the default delay not modify the avastUI. Since this can be addressed by a mod of the .ini file it also reduces the urgency/priority.
So that would be my guess as to why it isn’t in the avastUI and why it probably won’t make it any time soon.
Thanks, DavidR. Sorry but at first I thought you were somehow related to the Avast! team because of the “avast! Übertechnical”…
That was the main reason why I asked.