AVAST automaticaly reboot .exe file


Following a recent update of AVAST, I have a problem.
Except for the local hard disk C: , as soon as I would like to start an executable file (.EXE) on the network, CD ROM or USB key, the computer restarts automatically and immediately ( < 1 second) without error message.
This problem happens even when the scanner resident of AVAST is stopped.
When I uninstall AVAST of the computer, this problem disappears …

I have this problem for all .EXE file (for example, I rename a .TXT file to .EXE => reboot ! )

Thank you for your help,

Excuse me for my English because I’m french.

Best regards


Hmmm… isn’t your computer infected?
Or, did you have any other antivirus in this computer before avast?

Are you saying that you can’t execute any .exe file?

yes, i cannot execute any .exe file from d: (CD ROM), e: (USB key), f: external disk but it’s OK from local hard disk c:

Perhaps you can test it, put an .exe file (per exemple notepad.exe on an USB key, an try to execute it).

i use avast! 4.8 Home (not Pro).

