As already mentioned here on the avast! forum, we have redesigned the handling of TLS/SSL connections in the mail/web shield for the next program update. Under the following link you can find a beta version of avast! for Mac with these changes. It will specially suit those people, who have problems with the current solution.
To use the beta version, simple uninstall the current version using the menu entry in the avast! GUI and install the beta from the downloaded archive. Note, that this will not keep any configuration from the old version like a “standard” program update.
Hinweis: SSL should be NOT disabled in the mail server settings of your mail client anymore, when using the beta (and any later version). Please check the mail account configuration and alternatively switch SSL back to “enabled”.
Fixed: Connections with self signed certificates were dropped, instead of resigning with the “avast! untrusted CA” certificate.
To use the beta version, simple uninstall the current version using the menu entry in the avast! GUI and install the beta from the downloaded archive. Note, that this will not keep any configuration from the old version like a “standard” program update.
Hinweis: SSL should be NOT disabled in the mail server settings of your mail client anymore, when using the beta (and any later version). Please check the mail account configuration and alternatively switch SSL back to “enabled”.
Fixed: Shield/SSL scan configuration logic in the avast! preferences (Preference Pane).
To use the beta version, simple uninstall the current version using the menu entry in the avast! GUI and install the beta from the downloaded archive. Note, that this will not keep any configuration from the old version like a “standard” program update.
Hinweis: SSL should be NOT disabled in the mail server settings of your mail client anymore, when using the beta (and any later version). Please check the mail account configuration and alternatively switch SSL back to “enabled”.
Fixed: Issues with broken HTTPS servers (
To use the beta version, simple uninstall the current version using the menu entry in the avast! GUI and install the beta from the downloaded archive. Note, that this will not keep any configuration from the old version like a “standard” program update.
Hinweis: SSL should be NOT disabled in the mail server settings of your mail client anymore, when using the beta (and any later version). Please check the mail account configuration and alternatively switch SSL back to “enabled”.
Many bug fixes, improvements and even new features.
To use the beta version, simple uninstall the current version using the menu entry in the avast! GUI and install the beta from the downloaded archive. Note, that this will not keep any configuration from the old version like a “standard” program update.
Hinweis: SSL should be NOT disabled in the mail server settings of your mail client anymore, when using the beta (and any later version). Please check the mail account configuration and alternatively switch SSL back to “enabled”.
To use the beta version, simple uninstall the current version using the menu entry in the avast! GUI and install the beta from the downloaded archive. Note, that this will not keep any configuration from the old version like a “standard” program update.
Hinweis: SSL should be NOT disabled in the mail server settings of your mail client anymore, when using the beta (and any later version). Please check the mail account configuration and alternatively switch SSL back to “enabled”.
Die SSL Handhabung wurde komplett überarbeitet und es gibt keine „SSL Warnungen“ mehr. Es sind keine Einstellungen im Mail-Schutz vorzunehmen um SSL-Verbindungen zu prüfen.
Virus Container hinzugefügt.
Dateisystem-Schutz verschiebt nun standardmäßig gefundene Infektionen in den Virus Container.
Web-Schutz und Mail-Schutz können nun besser sichere Verbindungen (HTTPS, POPS, IMAPS) prüfen (und ist auch standardmäßig im Mail-Schutz aktiviert).
Viele kleine Fehlerbeseitigungen und Verbesserungen.
Obwohl ein Upgrade von einer Betaversion möglich ist, wird dringend empfohlen die installierte Betaversion zu deinstallieren und 38397 neu zu installieren.
Ein Dankeschön an alle die die Betaversionen getestet haben und Probleme bzw. Fehler gemeldet haben.
Hinweis: Wenn sie diese Version (oder zukünftige Versionen) nutzen, dann braucht SSL nicht mehr in den Mail Server Einstellungen ihres Email Programms deaktiviert zu werden.
Hinweis: Wenn sie diese Version (oder zukünftige Versionen) nutzen, dann braucht SSL nicht mehr in den Mail Server Einstellungen ihres Email Programms deaktiviert zu werden.