Hi, I am using Avast AV and I have to disable it every time my PC boots up because it’s blocking my Internet connection.
I figured it was something wrong with the AV, but it won’t update either.
Should I reinstall it? or is there a patch I need to apply?
The version number in the AV is 17.4.2294
Who is affected, please provide file version information for these files
“c:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswStreamFilter.dll”
To obtain the information, please just click on the file by right mouse and then select properties and Details Tab.
Provide screenshot or value of the FileVersion line.
Additionally, when you perform reboot of the computer, the problem persist or not ?
Sorry for inconvenience and thank you so much
PS: Other users reports that clean install solve the problem
My Windows 7 machine was doing the same thing. Problem persisted through several reboots. Totally remove Avast and reinstall. So far so good. HTH. Working now so I don’t know if file version will help. I would post version number but “About Avast” screen will not let me copy the number.
Take a screen shot or write the number manually.
We need exact info from files, as I described above. And of course before clean reinstall, because it fix the problem
Clean install helped. Thanks.