Avast AV Free 7.0.1426
Avast UI locks up - reproducible on many different PC’s
This one is Win7 64 bit
Click on Real-time shields - File System Shield - Exclusions -
To get the UI lockup, you have to do this quickly after clicking Exclusions, … Click “Browse”
The Avast UI will lock up until you reboot the computer
To prevent the UI lockup, you have to wait 10 seconds after clicking Exclusions, … Hover over “Browse” and wait 10 seconds then Click “Browse”
These all have MBAM Pro and am trying to add an exclusion for it.
I followed you instructions in 2 XP ( 1 MBAM pro, other MBAM free ) and 1 Vista ( MBAM pro ) and couldn’t replicate. I am not saying that it is not happening to you. Just that I could not reproduce the event.
For exclusions between Avast! and MBAM check letter K here:
I have MBAM Pro and no exclusions for it in avast.
The only thing I do is add the c:\windows\temp_avast_ folder to the MBAM Ignore List and I have had no issues with conflict between the two.
I was as fast as I can move the mouse and hit the browse button (with any chance of hitting the correct button) from when the exclusions window opens. I don’t think I could go any faster.
Doesnt happen for me on win7 64 with MBAM Pro, i do have the Malwarebyte’s program folder excluded though and likewise the avast program folder and windows/avast/temp in Malwarebytes - do all the troubled systems have plenty of ram ?
These are new computers with 4 gig ram. Maybe it only happens when you first install Avast before the first reboot… Like I said, this had happened on 7 different new computers.