Avast AV NITRO Update - Finale Version [18.2.2328]

Avast AV NITRO Update - Finale Version [18.2.2328]

• Erkennungen im stillen Modus zum Benachrichtigungscenter hinzugefügt
• Scan übers Kontextmenü behoben
• Automatisches Herunterfahren nach Scan behoben
• Animation des Avast-Icons behoben
• Fehlende Textanzeige im Papierkorb behoben
• Probleme im Smart-Scan behoben
• Fehler bei Rettungsmedium-Erstellung behoben
• Diverse Verbesserungen und Fehlerkorrekturen

Download: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?msg=527512

Hinweis: Danke an alle Beta-Tester…!! :slight_smile:

ACHTUNG: Die Offline-Installation wird (seit V17.4) unter XP und Vista nicht mehr unterstützt…!!

Details: Offline installation is officially no longer supported on Vista and XP because new CEF (only one bundled in offline installer because of size) is not supported there and the online installer will download the correct CEF version.

Avast SafeZone Browser - EOL/EOS - 1. März 2018

[i]We are writing to notify you that from 1st March 2018, Avast will no longer be providing support for the Avast SafeZone Browser, as a result of this, the SafeZone Browser will be removed from devices that have it installed. From 1st March 2018, SafeZone Browser will be uninstalled from devices automatically. This process is expected to take up to 2-3 weeks to complete.

If you have saved any bookmarks in the browser, you can export that information to your desktop and import into other supported browsers.[/i]

Fragen & Feedback: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=78.0

[font=verdana]Avast Recommendation Program [INFO]

We’ve just launched our new recommendation program. You can access it through your Avast desktop app by clicking the star icon on your main dashboard. Please be aware that our previous program has been discontinued and your old recommendations cannot be transferred. Also, the link generated in this section of your Avast Account can no longer be used to collect credit. However, if you were eligible for a free license based on the credit you collected, you can still download it until April 30, 2018.

Hinweis: The new recommendation program is currently available only in English. More languages will be available soon.

[font=verdana]Avast Anti-Exploit [INFO]

[i]The technology of Avast Anti-Exploit is kind of similar to Behavioral Shield, but with focus on different characteristics (and different malware behavior). It runs on background and evaluates the processes behavior. It also scans the process for know virus signatures in certain trigger points.

If you find some incompatibility with 3rd party products (like Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit), please let us known. Thank you.[/i]

Avast Passwörter - Chromium based browsers [INFO]

Although we are not providing official support for browsers based on chromium the extension for chrome should still work in browser of your choice based on chromium project. This includes Yandex browser, Vivaldi, etc…

Follow these steps to get your extension to chromium based browsers:
• Make sure you have Chrome installed on you machine - can be just temporary, but required for following process
• Make sure you have Avast passwords activated
• Go to Avast → Settings → Passwords
• In browser integration section click on Install link next to chrome browser
• New tab in chrome gets opened with Extension installation page for Chrome browser
• Copy URL of this installation page and paste it to address bar of the browser of your choice - must be chromium based browser
• Follow the installation in browser of your choice by hitting Install button on the webpage

Hinweis: Steps for Opera browser are a bit different, see: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?msg=1430278

Hinweis: Die neueste Build# lautet 18.2.3827.304

Hinweis: Die neueste Build# lautet 18.2.3827.306

Hinweis: Die neueste Build# lautet 18.2.3827.307


Seit ich genau die auf meinem Hauptrechner installiert habe, verhindert Avast jeden Download meiner Mails.
In dem Moment, wo ich TB aktiviere, nutzt AvastSvc.exe die CPU bis zu 97%, was dazu führt, daß TB nicht zum Zuge kommt und wegen Zeitüberschreitung abbricht!
Sollte das bei der 18.3 FV noch genauso sein, werde ich auf die 17.9. zurückgehen. War ein Fehler, diese FV zu installieren.



Damit es funktioniert, mußt Du schon zurück auf 17.3.2290!

Womit Du absolut recht hattest. Mittlerweile habe ich einen Verdacht, den ich aber (aufgrund meiner bisherigen Erfahrungen mit Avast) erstmal für mich behalte.
