Avast AV Update für Windows - Finale Version [20.1.2397]

Avast AV Update für Windows - Finale Version [20.1.2397]

• Browser-Erweiterungen im UI hinzugefügt
• Werbung für ACP reduziert/entfernt
• Statusmeldungen optimiert/vereinfacht
• Rettungs-Medium repariert
• Eine Vielzahl an Bugs behoben
• Problem bei der Log-Erstellung behoben
• Mehrere Probleme im Smart-Scan behoben
• Diverse Verbesserungen und Fehlerkorrekturen

Download: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?msg=527512

Hinweis: Danke an alle Beta-Tester…!! :slight_smile:

Hinweis: Windows XP und Vista werden nicht mehr unterstützt…!!

Details & Downloads: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=220640.0

PS: Allerletzter Hinweis, da dies mittlerweile allgemein bekannt sein dürfte/sollte… :wink:

Hinweis: Die neueste Build# lautet 20.1.5069.537

Hinweis: Die neueste Version der Benutzeroberfläche lautet 1.0.460

Anmerkung: Die alten Einstellungen wurden entfernt.

Neues Antivirus Portfolio [INFO]

[i]We have officially launched the new Antivirus portfolio, effectively sun-setting Pro, Internet Security, and Premier while replacing it with Premium Security. In a nutshell, this means that from now on, all paid AV features are available to all AV customers (yey!) and there are no more paid AV tiers. And we have this in Single and Multi-Device flavors. Multi-Device subscription is supporting platforms: Win, Mac OS, iOS and Android. Of course, in reality, it is a bit more complicated than that - users would be migrated in waves during several upcoming weeks - but we’re getting closer to a neat and tidy AV portfolio.

The whole license migration matrix is a beast, but these examples should cover the majority of cases:
• Avast Premier users (all seat variants) → Avast Premium Security Multi-Device
• Avast Internet Security 1 Seat → Avast Premium Security
• Avast Internet Security 3+ Seats → Avast Premium Security Multi-Device
• Avast Pro 1 Seat → Avast Premium Security
• Avast Pro 3+ Seats → Avast Premium Security Multi-device

If you want to check the status of your license, head to My Subscriptions and check your subscription (for multi-device variants, this word needs to be mentioned specifically in the subscription name - if it is not, it means it was not yet migrated). [/i]

Blog-Post: https://blog.avast.com/avast-premium-security
Allgemeine Infos: https://www.avast.com/de-de/premium-security
FAQ: https://support.avast.com/de-de/article/Premium-Security-FAQ

Hinweis: Avast Internet Security und Avast Pro Antivirus sind nicht mehr käuflich zu erwerben und der Support für diese Produkte wird eingestellt. Bestehende Benutzer werden schrittweise auf Avast Premium Security aktualisiert.

Hi Terra, wunderbar, danke für den Hinweis. :wink:

LG Asyn

Bitteschön, gern geschehen. :slight_smile:


Hinweis: Die alten Einstellungen sind bis auf weiteres (ca. 2 Wochen) wieder unter “Fehlerbehebung” verfügbar.

Dev-Info: Hello, related to old settings: Seems that my description how to enable it doesn’t work for you. I will enable the link into old settings remotely. Lets say for two weeks. Please let me know what are you missing by the screenshots sent to: petr.blatny@avast.com Anyway, we need to remove this old part of Avast. That means old settings will be removed completely in 20.3 or 20.4 release.

Avast Secure Browser [INFO]

We now offer the new Avast Secure Browser during Avast Antivirus installation. Our updated secure browser is designed to deliver both a secure and private browsing experience! Avast Secure Browser includes Anti-Tracking, Anti-Fingerprinting, Bank Mode, Adblock and Extension Guard, all easily controllable from the Security & Privacy Center.

Details: https://blog.avast.com/de/avast-secure-browser

Download: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?msg=527512
Informationen: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?msg=552616
Fragen & Feedback: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=78.0

Hinweis: If you are unhappy with this version or you no longer wish to have a browser by Avast installed on your machine you can follow steps here https://support.avast.com/article/30/ to uninstall it from your computer.

Avast Passwörter - Chromium based browsers [INFO]

Although we are not providing official support for browsers based on Chromium the extension for Chrome should still work in browser of your choice based on Chromium project. This includes Yandex browser, Vivaldi, etc.

Follow these steps to get your extension to Chromium based browsers:
• Make sure you have Chrome installed on you machine - can be just temporary, but required for following process
• Make sure you have Avast passwords activated
• Go to Avast → Settings → Passwords
• In browser integration section click on Install link next to Chrome browser
• New tab in Chrome gets opened with Extension installation page for Chrome browser
• Copy URL of this installation page and paste it to address bar of the browser of your choice - must be Chromium based browser
• Follow the installation in browser of your choice by hitting Install button on the webpage

Hinweis: Steps for Opera browser are a bit different, see: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?msg=1430278

Hinweis: Die neueste Build# lautet 20.1.5069.558

Hinweis: Die neueste Build# lautet 20.1.5069.559

Hinweis: Die neueste Build# lautet 20.1.5069.561

Hinweis: Die neueste Build# lautet 20.1.5069.562