Good day…
I have been following the issue with the avast background services and the fix that was released for the problem.
I have the same problem and is currently at the point where I am stuck…
The problem came up with the background services not running and that the GUI is unable to restart the service.
So I checked and the actual service in windows are not running.
Tried to start this service manually but error says The dependency service or group failed to start.
Like all normal users I uninstalled the antivirus. Rebooted. Re installed a fresh copy from the Avast website. Rebooted again and still the same.
Saw in the forum that a fix Avast Emergency Update fix were provided and checked in the given directory.
Ran the ----C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastEmUpdate.exe as recommended
Rebooted a few times but still it is not fixing the problem.
And no the services are definitely not running no matter what other forums are saying for task manager and Services.msc confirmed that the service is unable to start or restart.
So please Avast. I do not wish to reload my pc if it is something that can be fixed.