Avast Ball in Tray Constantly Spins as if Scanning

The Tray Icon next to the clock is constantly spinning as if it is scanning files that are executing. It is Constant. I checked the Windows Task Manager and not finding any CPU usage that would indicate a running process is active. Is there any way to see what is causing all of the activity? I am concerned that there are viruses or malware that is creeping up into my system and I want to be prepared for any battle that would ensue.


When did you install Avast, what version?
It could be building up its ‘known good’ cache?

It only rotates when it is scanning.

Open the avastUI, Real-time Shields and check the File System Shield (FSS) view and it should show the files that are being scanned, that should give you an idea of why the FSS is scanning and why the icon is rotating.

If nothing on the FFS view, check the other shields to see which the activity is on.

Do you happen to be doing anything in the background, e.g. P2P download, collecting email, windows indexing service, etc. ?