Cytat: wheelchairboy88 w Maj 02, 2017, 07:18:40 pm
The Process that is consuming the memory is aswidsagenta.exe and it consumes 497.4MB on start up of my computer and the most memory I’ve seen it consume is almost 1GB of memory. Typically when it uses 1GB of memory it will drop back down to about 600MB of memory. Before I had this issue this process typically only used about 100MB of memory and rarely climbed above 300MB of memory. I started having this issues within about 2 weeks of receiving an avast update that I got around March 30th.
Marzec 12, 2018, 09:43:18 pm
im have almost the same problem, repair didnt help
now I will try clean instalation
Marzec 20, 2018, 09:54:28 pm
clean installation doesn’t work, proces after 3h yours take more and more Ram memory
Marzec 22.2018 11:51:43 am
PC after 16h work it looks like this: proces avast taking 450mb memory ram and v.mem, pc gets unstable i can’t play games, i cant stop proces - don’t have permission…I can only demandme my money, thanks for good product
common mini dump created via task explorer or procexplorer is useful for most issues but not for memory leaks.
To get heap statistics into dump users have to enable creation of “stack trace database” via gflags which is a tool from :
Run cmd line as administrator and type : gflags /i aswbIDSAgrent.exe +ust
Induce the issue and create a dump via task explorer (I think you will need to disable self protection for a while). aswbIDSAgrent.exe heap should grow faster as every allocation is inserted into user stack trace database.
Hi pinkii21,
I tried to open the dump but it seems that it doesnt have gflags information inside
0:000> !gflag
Current NtGlobalFlag contents: 0x00000000
Stack trace db is not present and I cant say what is causing high heap usage.