Edit1: Just rebooted and the first thing that I did was run a Quick Scan and boy was it quick, it was finished in the time it took to open the scan interface and that was under a second. Just the big Green tick and Great No issues found. So much so that I had to check the logs to see if it did scan, no record in the Quick scan.txt log for the quick scan, generate report file is enabled.
No record of the Quick scan in the UI Scan history, so something wrong here.
EDIT2: Started a Full Scan and it hung on 0% for absolutely ages and has now started to display the progress percentage. I notice the Pause button is still AWOL (Absent WithOut Leave). This would be a real pain if you happened to need to pause to do some work, all you have is to cancel and when ready start the whole bloody scan AGAIN. The Full Scan has completed with success, no issue with the scan cancelled issue, but then again I didn’t suffer with it in the last beta or previous regular release.
Record of the full virus scan.txt file and also in the UI Scan history, this was recorded correctly.
Personally I don’t bother with on-demand scans other than beta testing and in relation to forum topics. But there are many users that do use the on-demand scan function.
The only fly in the ointment would be the fact that it isn’t recording the scan (Quick Scan), in either the Scan History or the log (even though the generate report option was checked). Sounds like a bug to me.
The Full system was no quicker than the last one I did, in fact is was slower for almost the same number of files, folders and GBs scanned.
EDIT, clarifying that this is only related to the Quick Scan, of the two scans I have tested.
Well I have just run another Full virus scan and this one lasted the same time as the previous Quick Scan about the same time it took to swap windows in the UI, around 1/2 a second.
No entry in the Scan History or the Full virus scan.txt file.
This is definitely a bug - what gets me is this was fine in the last beta - now its broken, I thought the idea of beta builds was to fix things. I guess if you fixed the scan hanging for some others this certainly isn’t hanging, it just isn’t running and reporting it is Great.
EDIT: just ran the Smart Scan which ran in roughly the same time frame as previous beta build. It created an entry in the Viruses & Malware.txt file and the Scan History. Not sure if the change in background colour should be the same as the other scans and not White as in image2 attached.
I ran it again almost immediately (like the others) and this time is it scanned again to completions, recording the scan where it should.
There are times when it does work fine, but when you get the ‘Great no issues found’ scan completed screen immediately the scan opens, it actually opens it hasn’t done the scan so no record of it. So far it hasn’t happened on the Smart Scan, but for me the real issue is the inconsistency of it.
I rarely run scans other than during beta testing (or in relation to forum topics) and I certainly haven’t run a custom scan, so its Smart, Quick and Full virus scans only. I have found some scans a little slower to little difference.
But that isn’t what I’m on about, it is about scans that are so quick, e.g. straight to the big Green tick and Great No issues found with nothing in between. No logs etc. etc. But what is more of a pain is the inconsistency, sometimes it works just file with no ‘big Green tick and Great No issues found’ until the scan progress has actually completed.
If you are only talking system CPU/RAM performance (I wasn’t), I haven’t really noticed it one way or another. I don’t sit at my system with a stopwatch to directly compare (which most users aren’t), not that I have retained any such data from the prior installation. After all most of us just notice when things are much slower.
Whilst this beta has just been updated I got this issue prior to the update.
I had been notified of the new program update (my settings are to Ask) I opened the UI and noticed the number ‘1’ over the notifications bell. Opening the notifications it showed the Smart Scan found some issues and this wasn’t an old notification (Apr 28th, 4:18 pm, today) it happened very close to the boot on this XP system.
I had neither run a smart scan nor had I scheduled it, looking at the scan history, this scan never took place, so we still have some ghosts in the system.
I have just updated to 17.4.2294 and rebooted so I will have to see if these ghosts have been laid to rest.