Avast Beta 17.5.2300

+1 Lord_Ami

Confirmed, nothing here too on the Main UI.

Nice :slight_smile:
All in all, I think it has to do with the missing Status monitoring.

Hi yes status monitoring was removed as the system of warning messages has been changed. Now you can Ignore specific messages directly on the dashboard. The ignored warnings can be later found in the notification center.

Does this mean that the user won’t see that a shield is disabled if the AvastUI is not opened?

No it doesn’t mean that. The behavior of the systray icon stays the same. So in case a shield is turned off user will be notified by yellow mark on the systray icon, then UI opens with details why it’s yellow. And with an option to ignore such warning.

I just tested it, but it doesn’t warn when “Ransomware shield” and “Real site” are disabled.

Greetz, Red.

Hi Red, it works for me, see screenshots. Cheers.

Edit: I may correct myself, I did test it with behavior shield, it doesn’t show up if ransomware protection is disabled (Real Site not installed).

Stats still haven’t returned.

Surely that was the point of the status monitoring, to allow the user to disable notification on certain components in advance of any warning. Previously I believe the Behaviour Shield status monitoring option was off by default, how then would we know if an option was disabled for a shield ?

I had also unchecked the Program Update status monitoring option in this current beta session as I had many BSODs on one of the beta builds and decided to drop back to the last stable beta.

So are you saying that once you get the warning for the first time you can elect to ignore that for all time ?
If so how would the user reverse and temporary use of the status monitoring option in the past.

Or are you going to have to ignore it every time, which doesn’t seem very intuitive to me.

The new “ignore” feature does not remember what shields is ignored.
i.e. Once Behav shield got ignored, Mail shield will get ignored too.

Also, “Unignore” does not work for me.

Yep, NON is right,

If you ignore it for one shield, all the other shields are ignored as well.
That can’t be right imo.

Greetz, Red.

yes Ignore and Unignore is still a little bit broken, working on fixing that

A bit broken, is a ‘bit’ of an under statement.

I have to say the old adage it is isn’t broken, why fix ii. What was wrong with the previous function ?

To me it seems that there have been many things changed (not just this) for changes sake, possibly to show things are being done.

It seems that a lot of Avast changes are to remove control of Avast (and it’s settings) from the users, so we are blind. Avast seems to want total control of our computers.

From the systray icon you can only disable all shields at once, and that is imo undesirable as that is too much of a security risk.
It should be possible to select which shield(s) you want to disable.

Greetz, Red.

Whilst that would be preferable, but that is one area ‘that hasn’t changed.’ Whilst it is possible to disable one shield from the avastUI > Settings > components.

Something that for years was meant/promissed to be updated/improved is the very same avast tray icon context menu to allow easier access to UI areas. This has essentially remained unchanged, whilst all around us is changing and not necessarily for the benefit of the user.

What was wrong with the status monitoring? It was perfect and one of rare AV’s that had full control. With all others, as soon as you disable something, they keep on bitching about it till you enable it back, even if you don’t want to for whatever reason. And it was a centralized control. Where will be these hide/unhide now? I just don’t see it practical.

Well, at least you know now how much I use the systray options :wink:

I agree.

Greetz, Red.

We need status monitoring!


Hi Guys

I found an bug of ransomware protection,when i add folder or drive to this option my folder or my drive for protect not add even after restart windows.

Please fix this bug