Avast Blocked Bank of America Login After Firefox 69 Update???

Today, Bank of America’s login page was blocked by Avast due to “URL Phising”.

I had no trouble loggin in earlier, however, this blocking occured after Firefox updated to 69.

When I deleted the old BOFA bookmark and replaced it with a new one, I was again able to log in.

Any ideas?

Since Bank of America controls the site, possible old url was obsolete. Did you have a Firefox url phishing warning or was it Avast Online Security?

That is what I was thinking. This AM, I got on the second PC with FF60. Was able to log into BofA first time OK, but second time I got the website reset notification from FF. I noticed Avast Threat Blocked notice saying Avast aborted the (second) connection due to URL Phising infection.

Googled to BofA and got in OK with new url and bookmarked. However when I manually inputted the url, it was blocked again.

You can report a suspected FP (File/Website) here: https://www.avast.com/false-positive-file-form.php

No issues here. https://secure.bankofamerica.com/login/sign-in/signOnV2Screen.go (URL taken from duckduckgo website) No block.

Is the same url you are trying to use that is blocked?

The url which returns the Avast abort & Firefox reset message is www.bankofamerica.com. This is the url which was in my bookmark for years. Secure.bankofamerica.com, which I have now changed to, works.