Avast blocked website and won't release it

My website bedlambazaar.com had malware in it. It has been cleaned up and now has a firewall to protect it. It gets scanned daily. My Avast software won’t let me go to MY website. I’ve filled out that stupid report numerous times that it is no longer a bad site. I’m so mad right now I’m ready to changed virus/internet software to a different company.

Blacklisted by McAfee http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/bedlambazaar.com

Have notified avast team

Thank you. I filled out the stupid form that pops up screaming “danger Will Rogers danger” 2-3 times a day. They had to have blacklisted it after it was cleaned. Every blacklist was notified. Everyone else that doesn’t have Avast can go to the website. I checked with people who have Avast and they were the only ones who got screamed at by the software and not allowed to view the site.

Thanks for letting us know you removed the malware, I removed bedlambazaar[.]com from our blacklist :wink: