Will someone please tell me why avast is reporting that my site has a Trojan and blocking me, its owner and creator from accessing it?
s:Downloader-LP [Trj]
Look, I’ve been a user for a long time. probably for 5 or so years.
I was seriously considering going Pro.
Why? Sure, the extra features, but also to give back for what I’ve gotten.
This is quite frustrating though.
So is not being able to print my scan report so that I can research and also report all of the false positives showing up in the scan for PHP elements in my site backups, and WordPress ones too.
Man, I do not want to shutdown avast and install something else.
I’ve tried something else. I’ve tried many different programs. Avast is the best, and the one that has suited my needs.
I love it, I trust it.
Guys, this is my own site.
Please advise, or just update the engine and definitions so that I can work on my site and others using avast aren’t blocked too. It’s quite embarrassing and it’ll give my site a bad rep, not to mention causing me to lose visitors forever.
Description: Web site identified with Blackhat SEO Spam. This often means that it was hacked and the attackers inserted links to their own sites to increase their page rank on search engines.
Generally avast is pretty good in catching such things. But, as the VT results shows that other antiviruses does detect the site, I highly doubt that it is a FP unless disproved by analysis.
What an unbelievable mess. Seriously. There’s probably a few hundred link entries (injections?).
I’m so, man, pissed? Sure.
My backup seems to be clean so I’m just wiping out the site and I’ll restore it.
It actually occurred on two of my sites.
The issue is so obvious on accessfirefox.org, but not so much on one of my others.
And another, that does have WordPress installed, was clean.
I think that this happened after a recent WordPress update. I’m nearly certain.
I remember there being a WordPress breach of some kind a month or two ago. I didn’t think that an update made two days ago would bring this on if that is indeed where the idiots entered.
I’m humbled, and extremely appreciative for help. It was spot on.
I’m also so very grateful for avast!
It’s saved my butt, and my visitors. For me, not the first time.
When I get the $, I’ll be upgrading, and promoting avast! on my sites. Not as an affiliate to earn cash for myself, but just to support them and to help others who need to be using it.
Any PC that I work on, and have in the past gets Avast installed.
I require it or I won’t bother troubleshooting and repairing software issues.
Thanks a hundred times.
I have a lot more to learn.
Report 2011-07-16 07:30:35 (GMT 1)
Website accessfirefox.org
Domain Hash 290081dba1b815ef6161f5731f527392
IP Address [SCAN]
IP Hostname apache2-igloo.castor.dreamhost.com
IP Country – (–)
AS Number 26347
AS Name DREAMHOST-AS - New Dream Network, LLC
Detections 0 / 23 (0 %)
Status CLEAN
Site check-Sucuri results :
Site: accessfirefox.org
Status: Verified Clean
Trust: Not Blacklisted
Security report (No threats found):
check Blacklisted: No
check Malware: No
check Malicious javascript: No
check Malicious iFrames: No
check Drive-By Downloads: No
check Anomaly detection: No
check IE-only attacks: No
check Suspicious redirections: No
check Spam: No
Just some more info on that website: Spamcheck secure, SafeBrowsing: secure, WOT rating: four greens and webutation score 100 out of 100: http://www.webutation.net/go/review/accessfirefox.org
, furthermore: site does not use cookies on starting site, the server does not give away the version number (which is more secure), site uses tracking, accessibility issues: NoScript tag is present, some headings aren’t marked as such, nearby image with same txt, event handler present,
Site not blacklisted on GoogleChrome, Firefox, Norton Safe Web, sources checked four, entries found zero, iFrame report: No zeroiframes detected!
Check took 4.37 seconds
(Level: 1) Url checked: (script source)
SyntaxError: XML tag name mismatch (expected img):
Zeroiframes detected on this site: 0
No ad codes identified
Hey I want to thank you all for the awesome, and precise help and links (bookmarked them).
It’s greatly appreciated.
Sorry to avast for my initial accusatory post.
Avast wasn’t the issue after all was it? In fact, it saved my butt.
I’ve volunteered for a few help forums and sites in the past (mozillaZine, SpreadFirefox.com, and others) and it’s all too often that people show up all pissed off blaming a product for a user issue. I did just that when I know better.
Again, thanks sincerely for the help.
I hope that others that you assist return too, to at least show some gratitude.