avast blocking every url I'm opening even google

I’m using avast 4.8 and anchor free hotspot shield v1.49 for a while.
but suddenly today avast started to give me an alarm for a blocking connection at every URL I’m opening including google.com when I’m connected to the hotspot shield.
The alarm give me this details
threat type: JS:ScriptSH-inf [Trj]

Is this really a trojan or it’s a false alarm?
And if it’s a false alarm how to stop it?

I’m getting the same as well. I was using an older version of Avast and was fine. Just recently upgraded to the latest and greatest Avast today and now my Hotspot Shield is triggering a Trojan warning with every webclick. I see a few postings about this on the forums but no replies or suggestions. I opened up a ticket with Avast to see if they have any suggestions.

Hi posters in the thread,

Yes, read about the suspicious script found here: http://unmaskparasites.com/security-report/?page=http%3A//box.anchorfree.net/insert/56fnu.js%3Fv%3D568021038\unp21299068 and suspicious iFrame found: “JavaScript malware just got a lot more dangerous” re: http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-usa-06/BH-US-06-Grossman.pdf This is detected as JS.ScriptSH-inf[Trj] in the browser executable, described here: htxp://www.gnucitizen.org/blog/the-10000-sites-js-malware-source-code-leaked/ (avast flags a visit there as JS:Twettir-C and disconnected),


Thanks polonus for your replay.
I’m not a pro in the viruses anti-viruses staff.
So is it dangerous enough to stop using the program.
or it’s false positive.
and if it’s false positive how to fix it

I am also now receiving this message as of today, but so far only on one site www.space.com which I visit often. I am assuming this is a false positive based on responses I’m reading, but how can it be stopped so I can visit the site I want to visit.

I think you should stay away, as it is not just avast! that does not like it

VirusTotal - index.html - 5/43

This page seems to be 1 suspicious inline script found.

OBS: edit the link you posted so it is not clickable