Hi, Just installed the free Avast AV and find it is blocking file delete, it initially came up with a box saying the delete would only be delayed for 30 secs after I tried to delete files but it is still not allowing me to delete files after several hours.
I cannot find anything in settings that seems to relate to this so is the only fix dump avast?
What files? Post a screenshot. Where did you download Avast from? (Provide domain or website name, not URL, please.)
I have disabled a load of Avast features and it has stopped blocking delete files, I downloaded the install file from avast dot com, only way I could think of putting it without making it a URL.
Well, you really haven’t provided any useful information. I suggest you enable all Avast settings that you disabled, run a repair of Avast at UI > Menu > Settings > Troubleshooting > Repair App. Reboot. Now, post screenshots of any pop-ups or abnormal behavior you observe.