Avast blocking IE access to hotmail

Main problem
Installed Home ed. of Avast today and now can’t access Hotmail via Internet Explorer (NB I’m not trying to access Hotmail via Outlook Express or any other computer-based email programme).

Second problem
I installed Zone Alarm (Pro in free trial form) and then Avast straight after each other. Then found that with ZA default settings there were many in my favourites menu that I couldn’t access - e.g. the AllAboutMovies and ezydvd sites - whereas others such as investorweb.com.au and bank sites were OK. Needed urgent access to some of the non-appearing sites so hurriedly uninstalled ZoneAlarm (assuming that was the culprit) so as to achieve access. That still left Avast installed. Then tried to access hotmail via Internet Explorer and got error message (see above). I don’t have details of the error message on this computer but could post tomorrow.

Second problem is really a query for ZoneAlarm but thought others here might be using it with Avast and could offer help.

Using Windows 2000.

If you disable WebShield provider, will it work?

If you disable the ‘Privacy’ features (cookies, etc.) of ZoneAlarm Pro, will it help?

I don’t know how or where to disable WebShield provider, but problem 1 seems to have cured itself with a reboot. It was someone else using the computer last night who reported the problem but I tried the same Hotmail account on the web this morning and was able to access OK.

Re ZoneAlarm - as I said previously I have uninstalled it. I’ll now try to download just the plain free firewall version of ZA because of the apparent conflict of the privacy features in the Pro version when running Avast. As I recall though I asked just for the free version and instead was landed with the Pro version on a trial basis.