If I turn off the Avast Firewall, the Airplay icon appears on iTunes and I can play music through my wireless speakers. If I turn the Avast Firewall on, the Airplay icon disappears and I have to resort to my wired speakers. So the firewall is clearly interfering with Airplay, but needless to say I’m reluctant to turn off the firewall permanently.
I’ve configured Avast Firewall by introducing packet rules for Airplay (ports 80, 554 and 5353). I’ve also introduced an assortment of packet rules for Bonjour (ports 5297, 5289, 49163, 49159) and iTunes Music Sharing (port 3689). This has made no difference. Airplay continues to be disabled by the Avast Firewall.
Does anyone have any suggestions? The first person to provide a permanent remedy will earn themselves a free pint of bitter.
I’m sorry for not replying sooner to thank you for your quick response. I’ve certainly enabled all the ports which Apple advise are required for Airplay. But just to be on the safe side, I’ve also enabled all the other ports listed in the link which you kindly provided.
However, I’m afraid it has made no difference. Open iTunes with the Avast Firewall on - no Airplay option. Open iTunes with the Avast Firewall off - Airplay icon appears and I’m able to play music through the wireless speakers.
I’ve just installed the latest version (2016.11.2.2262) and - lo and behold - the iTunes icon now appears with the Avast Firewall enabled, and I can now play music through my wireless speaker. Perhaps the Windows 7 bug fixes in the latest Avast 2016 version included resolution of a conflict between the firewall and Airplay?
I won’t tempt fate by skipping around the house in jubilation just yet, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hope that when I open iTunes tomorrow that little Airplay icon will still be there.
I spoke too soon. Back to square one: Firewall off, Airplay enabled; Firewall on, Airplay disabled. (Hollywood’s going to buy the rights to this.)
Probably not the best question to ask on an Avast forum, but does Avast Firewall provide any greater degree of security than Windows Firewall? If I disable Avast Firewall and turn the Windows Firewall on, Airplay is enabled and I can play music through my wireless speakers. Avast will probably nag me incessantly to reactivate their firewall, but if Windows Firewall offers an equivalent degree of security then I’d rather put up with the nagging if it means I can use Airplay on iTunes.
You could go to Program and features, select Avast, select Modify, uncheck Firewall
select Change.
Once the operation is complete, reboot the system.
You’ll now still be protected by Avast but would be using the firewall from Windows.
No nag screen.
I use the free version and have always used the Windows firewall.
Mr Avast team Full Member, your answer is disapointing : no solution after 5 months → did you really try hard enough ?
I have lost a couple hours trying to find the fix, and I suspect many people have done so, because it is exasperating not to be able to use Airplay for a silly firewall issue…
So after a lot of trial & errors in the application part of the firewall settings (iTunes, “Bonjour service” and other Apple related services), the straightforward solution is in the policy part of the firewall settings:
You just need to create a new policy that allows protocol UDP on port 5353.
If this is not clear enough, I will post a screen copy when I understand how to do this…
Gerard - have a good day with music on Airplay ! 8)