First of all, I’ve had nothing but good experiences with AVAST. This one Windows 7 64 bit computer I’ve using though has had some issues. When Web Shield is enabled most internet/network traffic is blocked. I can reach google docs and that’s pretty much it. AVAST won’t even update from it’s own servers when Web Shield is enabled.
It did not do this until about 3 weeks ago.
Perform a repair of avast and see if the problem is solved.
If not, perform a clean installation of the latest avast version.
That worked. I’ll default to that tactic next time.
This is also sometimes related to third party firewalls with outbound protection.
After a avast program update you sometimes must delete all avast rules in firewall, reboot and create new rules when asked
Yeah, stopped working again. I just disabled Web Shield permanently and that fixed it. Won’t update without doing that.
Not a good idea since 80% of all infections come from the internet and the Webshield module is what protects you on the internet.
Not only has the webshield caused problems by not loading and proclaiming invalid certificates even on banking sites (** plus Avast’s own sites) , but the mailshield also brings a number of mail programs to a halt by saying that huge ISP’s such as Bell Canada *Sympatico is also invalid. Personally I have no problem on one system and huge problems on this one. I have read many posts from now and past and uninstalled and reinstalled Avast with no joy. In past, it was said, a new build fixed it as clearly this new version 10.3.2223 has had a negative impact.
I hope the powers that be will fix it since it was not in any other build. Fingers crossed but unless that happens it looks like a number of loyal avast users will have no choice but to abandon this great product.
Is your system date and time correct ?
I wonder if this is similar to a topic I saw a while ago on https certificates, being down to having an old version of Firefox, the ESR version or something like that.
@ Ront50
What browser and version number does/did this happen on ?
Yes my system date and time are correct. The fault occurs on Google Chrome Version 43.0.2357.134 the latest one, Firefox version 39 also the latest for browsers
Email clients:
Older outlook express and is the ISP, one of the largest in Canada and Thunderbird V 31.5.0 … needs an update just recent that is used for only hotmail sites and they are all deemed to have incorrect certificates since this latest Avast update
Fair to say the email clients and browsers do not seem to be the issue here. If I do a system restore to your last version since I installed this only yesterday, I am confident all will work again. I am doing a system backup before I do any of that however clearly that is not the option I prefer.
Thank you in advance for any insight you might give us all.
Hi Ront50,
which Avast product do you have, please? Could you please try uninstall and install it again?
It’s really weird that Repair helped but then it broke again…
Hi Martin,
I have your latest update to the free version. I never said repair worked. It did not work and I have installed and reinstalled it a number of times. The mail and webshield need to be turned off before they work. As mentioned, they claim that the most trust worthy site have bad certificates. I need your last version 2015.10…2218 as I am using on this computer. All google searchs and downloads even if they say are that version are actually 10.3.2223.
Could you please direct me to anywhere I might get your last version. I will install that and wait until your next release that hopefully will resolve this problem. Clearly the reports about certificates and sites by these versions are false
Thank you for your help and I am certain that last version will help the numerous people here having the same problem with this release.
Cheers. ** A pinned post with a link to it would be great as you would absolutely have it on your servers somewhere and not filehippo that has only the current version even if it say’s it’s another.
Martin, it was the original poster artbellemar that tried Repair which supposedly worked for a while.
Easy for confusion when multiple users post in the same topic.
Older versions can be found here:
But we will check it again, some devs might contact you back if you don’t mind.
Thank you kindly. Although I don’t see 2218 I will download 2215 and try that. I will report back here of my success or failure. I hope the current version did not “Break” something else that will stop this from working.
By all means, please contact me as you will. I would be happy to help if possible because I spent many years in developing software even at the lowest levels and fully understand the ripple effect that one change can have in another area that had nothing to do with the original places code was changed.
You are correct DavidR, I did just jump into this thread since opening another one with the same issued seemed redundant and whomever reads this might follow what is going on.
I uninstalled (not using your cleaner) and reinstalled the version 10.2.2515 and now the web issue is gone and the pages display normally again. There are no certificate errors with that. On the email side, I am still getting an invalid certficate from my ISP.
I will contact them just to find out if Murphy’s law hit and in fact they are having a problem but considering the size of the company, I am skeptical they are. I will enquire anyway but it did happen exactly the first time I launched my email after installing your 10.3.2223 version.
Once again I will report back. I must turn off the mail shield when invoking my client (Outlook Express) < — yes old but if it aint broke, don’t fix it as the saying goes to get to my ISP’s email server, sympatico.
PS ** Ps I hope the powers that be fix your new version. I have unchecked update new programs so I hope it does not go back to the new one although the popup has advised me it is available.
Hi Ront50,
what OS you have, please?
The system with this problem is XP! I have the new version installed on one system with W7 with no issues seen and I have two more W7 systems that I am refraining from updating in the event it goes wrong.
Thanks Ront50,
that was our suspicion Problem is only in some cases on Win XP, we are working on a fix already.
Thanks Ront50,
that was our suspicion Problem is only in some cases on Win XP, we are working on a fix already.
That is great news MartinZ and is commendable that you will still support it. There are still tons of XP users in the world as you know. It could be worse, it could have been millenium