Avast blocking MPEG streaming in Vista

I am running Vista RTM and when I install Avast home edition streaming MPG files to my Xbox 360 stops working. I will get a blue screen that says video error. I know it’s avast because when I uninstall it I can stream again. I disabled network shield and still the same problem.

Is there a way to fix this?

Most probably problem won’t be on NetShield but in WebShield.


I disabled Web Shield and still didn’t work. I then disbaled webshield, network shield, P2P shield and network shield and it still didn’t work. Must be something in the Avast program causing the problem. It can stream WMV fine but MPG is not working.

Can you test the last beta version for Vista?

can you send us the minidump file that was generated during the bluescree? (in C:\windows\minidump) ? It has probably something to do with TDI drivers being loaded on Vista. In case you have reinstalled avast, can you try it with aswtdi and aswrdr drivers disabled? Use Regedit, navigate to HKLM/CurrentControlSet/System/aswrdr - set Start to 4, and the same for HKLM/CurrentControlSet/System/Aswtdi.


Edit: hmm, I can see now the topic is a bit outdated. Sorry :frowning:


problem still exists, but at least they know its a problem :wink:

It’s not a blue screen. I just reinstalled Avast and I am using Vista Ultimate Retail now and the same thing happens. I cannot stream MPG files to my Xbox 360 using Media Center with Avast installed. Th eproblem still exists…

Please see here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=25504.msg218322#msg218322
