I now unblocked enclose-my-pool.com and heatmypool.com, which are the only 2 domains that are on that IP, but take heed of what Eddy says to prevent the problems in the future…
Hi Eddy,
I have started cleaning stuff up and thanks for the advice, however I cannot see any reason why Kaspersky is suggesting that there is Malware on my site.
I cannot see any reason why Kaspersky is suggesting that there is Malware on my site.
Virustotal URL scan is a blacklist check, it does not scan the site for malware.
So site is Blacklisted by Kaspersky for whatever reason and there can be many
As Pondus already pointed out, VirusTotal does not scan websites but checks blacklists.
If a site is on a blacklist, it doesn’t mean by default the site is malicious.
It can be, but doesn’t have to be.
Other reasons why it can be on a blacklist are (but not limited to) :
Malicious in the (recent) past
Malware spreading through the same IP as the site is on.
Spam coming from the same IP as the site is on.
A scan/check is one thing, but the result doesn’t mean anything if you don’t know how to read/interpret the result shown
If you want to run scans/tests (now or in the future), I have a pretty decent list of online scanners on my website.
In case of a problem they may help to find out what is wrong and where
Also your Debian version is really outdated, youre running version 6, while the newest is 8.2 if im not mistaken
You may want to take a look at OpenSUSE as server OS, no need for reboots even for kernel updates, rock-stable
and snapshots every hour or even more frequently in case you mess something up or the system breaks down.
Hi Guy,
Thanks for your help!!
After a server crash I build an all singing and dancing server with all the latest versions of apache2, php and Mysql, however as all the websites were out of date none of them were compatible with the latest version of php5 so I built another that works with the websites.
I know this is not ideal but until I have more time I will have to live with it.
Hi Lisandro,
I have started to implement Eddy’s suggestion but still need to get the Secure Protocols issue sorted which I should manage by the week end.
Honza’s actions did solve the problem with all but one website so far.
I have an updated server but until I have finished updating the websites to make them compatible with the latest version of apache/php I will have to live with this old version for now.