avast blocking network file sharing

i have windows 10 pro 1803 b17134.765 and avast internet security 19.5.2378 b19.5.4444.501)

other pcs cannot access my local pc’s network shares. when i turn off avast, it works.

i didn’t use to have this problem before but avast recently started blocking network file sharing even when my network has been set to private.

how do i fix this?

set firewall to private and reboot … any change?

Setting up Firewall Application Rules in Avast Antivirus


NOTE:The Network profiles control the settings which determine how strictly Firewall protects your PC.

Private: a lower level of security suitable for when your PC is connected to a trusted network such as your home or work network.
This profile enables better connectivity, and permits all communication within the network.

Public: a higher level of security suitable for when your PC is connected to a public network such as in a cafe or airport.
Because public networks present greater security risks, no incoming communication is permitted when this profile is set.


After researching the issue, having the same problem, I found the culprit blocker in Remote Desktop shield settings, there you can see a logging page with details of every block result and by clicking the settings cog on the right you can allow brute force attack option by unticking it but to still keep safe, at the bottom select block all connections but only allow following ip addresses, add the needed addresses, select Allow.

that worked for me and probably work for you too.