Hello, i am using Windows 7 professional, with avast free edition 19.5.2378 (build 19.5.444.503), like topic say’s my avast is blocking visibility.
When i disable all avast for 10 min, my pc show’s himself on my other pc (windows 10) when i turn on avast shields my pc disapear from the list on my other pc.
I deinstalled wifi inspector (i thought it was him) but it wasn’t. Can someone tell me what is the problem.
What is the point of this forum, when developers aren’t answering. Or if someone else know the answer, why no one answer.
Are you using HomeGroup? (You didn’t say).
Are your settings set like below?
As for your Windows 10 system see this: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-networking/homegroup-missing-on-windows-10/3d933a13-5747-4ddf-902b-fd3e6dbb98c0
Please be patient. All Uberevangelists and Evangelists are forum users like you, and may not have knowledge of your issues. Only users marked as Avast Team members are a part of Avast, we volunteer our time here.
Everything is set correctly, visibility is on, it is set to private network, printer sharing is on, and still my notebook is not visible on my desktop, until i shut down the avast, when i kill avast my notebook appear on my network. I have 3 shields, in avast to kill one by one, but when i go to systray right klick and disable avast for 10 min, he says that he have 5 shields disabled. So i don’t know which shield is blocking. And it is free edition of avast.
Hi, I’m not aware of any feature in Avast Free that would/could block this.
- Other security related software installed…?
- Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?
Since you are using the free version, there is another firewall in the mix.
Make sure that Avast is allowed full access through that firewall.
Fresh windows 10 profesional, no other av before avast, none of the firewall exept windows default.
Firewall isn’t a problem, cause disabling avast (completely shutdown) my pc is shown on network. Turn on the avast, he is gone.
Strange. Follow instructions: https://support.avast.com/article/33/ and post your File-ID here afterwards.
Avast tool say it is all ok. Never mind deleting avast and switching to some other Antivirus.