Avast Blocking Webmail and Firefox Add-on

Beginning yesterday, I started having a problem with Avast blocking the Firefox add-on PriceDrop (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5827). When the add-on connects to its server (http://pricedrop.stuffstuff.org/), Avast blocks the URL saying that it is a malicious URL. I updated PriceDrop recently, which could have triggered this problem.

Having used the add-on for a long time, I suspected that this was a false positive. But after emailing the developer, with no reply, I don’t know whether that domain could be infected.

Today, Avast started blocking the sent folder of my inbox.com webmail account. If I click on the sent folder, Avast says that this URL contains a trojan - JS:ScriptIP inf. I have been using this webmail account for several years with no problems.

I believe that these are false positives, but have no way to confirm it. Is there any way to determine why I’m getting these alerts? If they are false positives is there a way to stop the URLs from being blocked so that I can view my sent email and use the PriceDrop add-on?

Can you update avast and test again?
Some false positives were corrected yesterday/today.

I am the OP. I can’t log in to my original account. Avast is up-to-date (version 110324-1). I tested the URLs and Avast is still blocking them. Is there anything else I can try?

Are you now using Firefox 4.0? If so tnat add on is not compatible with Firefox 4.0

post the screenshot of the avast!'s alert window, please.


Here is a screenshot of one of the alert windows:

No. I am using Firefox 3.6.15.

Scan of http://pricedrop.stuffstuff.org/ at URL Void looks pretty clear.
There is an update to the PriceDrop addon at the authors site
from 1.20 to 1.21 that may be of some help Install PriceDrop now

Virus Total Scan all clear
Submission date:
2011-03-25 15:06:07 (UTC)
Current status:finished
Result:0 hits from/ 41 Scan Engines (0.0%)

Suggest scan at Virus Total to check for JS:ScriptIP inf could be a mischievous javascript trojan

I don’t get a block on the site/object in the alert window, plus I can’t see anything in the file itself.

What virus definitions do you have? (I tested with 110325-0)

[quote author=tednelly link=topic=74597.msg618335#msg618335 date=1301065382]
Scan of http://pricedrop.stuffstuff.org/ at URL Void looks pretty clear.
There is an update to the PriceDrop addon at the authors site
from 1.20 to 1.21 that may be of some help Install PriceDrop now

I have PriceDrop 1.21. When I installed it the alerts started.

I kept manually updating the engine and virus definitions, but it said that they were current at version 110324-1. Just now, Avast downloaded version 110325-0 and the alerts have stopped.

Whatever changes were made in version 110325-0, they fixed these false positives.

Thanks to everyone for your help.