When i activate full resident protection, I am unable to access the Web through Firefox or Internet explorer. Furthermore, I can’t access my ISP mailbox either.
I’m running version 4.7.892 under W2k-SP4. Appears to be working okay under XP.
When i disabled the Web shield in Resident Protection, I got access to the Web.
However, in order to access my mailbox, I have to disable Resident protection completely.
I have seen avast elements blocked bu other firewalls (mine included) when they show that they have permission. The only way around this was to delete the entry for the avast providers and have the firewall ask permission again.
I’m at a loss if it doesn’t work without the firewall installed, are there any errors displayed, if so what are they ?
When using Firefox, the program just hangs indefinitely with a “Waiting for www.google.com” message (home page).
In the case of the ISP mailbox, I use Mailwasher, the anti-spam. At every try, I get an error message saying that the Server closed the session before it could be completed. This seems to imply that at least the “check mail” operation does reach the ISP site.
In the case of Firefox, I noticed that, while it is hanging for Google, whenever I try to access a Favorite or a previously used URL in the address box, one of two things happens: after a few seconds, it displays a “completed” message and the screen is blank under the Firefox headings. In other cases, I get a partial view of the requested site with the message “Transfer data from… etc” where the name of the site is displayed and the operation just hangs there, about 90% completed according to the displayed ribbon.
Are you using any proxy application, like annonimizers?
Can you check with TCPView from www.sysinternals.com which applications are trying to connect the internet?
Any other security program that could interfere with browsing and antivirus?
It was an Avast problem after all. I haven’t changed anything with my W2k-SP4 but for the past few days, I don’t need to deactivate Avast in order to use Incredimail or Firefox. An Avast update must have fixed what was wrong.
Restart Web Shield in XP (terminate and start again) or whole PC in case of Win98
Browse (trying to access some webpages)
The log file are \data\log\ashwebsv.log and ashwebsv.ws.
They would be accessible when WebShield is terminated again.
Post them here or send by mail to rypacek (at) asw.cz
After that, disable the logging to avoid a big log file.